The interview...(part-1)

Shin took a taxi in front of her apartment to the place where the interview is held. She felt more relaxed when she spoke to Elizabeth. She to the place where the interview is going to be in no time.

When she entered the building, she saw a soldier coming towards her...

Soldier(with a small smile): Are you here for the interview???

Shin: Yes, mam.

Soldier: okkay, please follow me.

Shin followed the soldier and he directed her towards a room where the colonel was going to take her interview.

Soldier: Please wait here, colonel will arrive soon.

Shin(nodded): Thank you.

After thanking the soldier shin sat on one of the chairs and placed the file she is carrying on the table in front of her.

The Soldier just gave a small smile and left the room. Shin is tensed about the interview as she doesn't even know, what topics the questions will be based on.

It's been 10 minutes and no one entered the room. Shin is freaking out and she couldn't bear that silence anymore, that silence was just reminding her about the nightmare she had in the morning. Even though she stopped thinking about that, the silence in the room just made her mind to scroll through the things she has gone through in the morning.

After 10 minutes of deadly silence, a soldier followed by 2 other soldiers came into the room.

Shin saw that soldier and the other 2 who were carrying some equipment. They kept that equipment on the table which is there in front of the shin.

By seeing those equipment Shin's mind was processing only one question:

" Is this an interview or an interrogation".

Having a confused look on her face, Shin looked at the soldier who is preparing the equipment and now she's standing beside her.

Solider: You are Shin right???

Shin(still in a dilemma of what's happening): Umm... Yes, mam.

Solider(with a small smile): Good then. Shin, can you remove your blazer???

Shin(in a shock at what she heard): Ha... Sorry, what should I remove???

Solider (still with a smile): Your blazer. Please remove it.

Shin: Can I ask you why???

Solider: I've to attach these sensors to your body.

Shin( with a worried look): For what???

Solider: No need to worry. It's just a lie detector. And these are its sensors. It's important for us to do these things. Please try to understand.

Shin(with a normal yet confused face): okkay. But why are you doing this???

After saying that Shin removed her blazer and the soldier was attaching sensors to her hands, head, etc.

Shin: No one mentioned about having a lie detector test for the interview.

Solider: Don't be nervous, our colonel is on his way and he will explain everything when he gets here.

Shin(making a nervous smile): okkay.

After doing her work the soldier stood next to the equipment and was watching the polygraph.

Shin(talking to IV): IV, I think they are going to interrogate us as they do for a terrorist or some kind of criminal.

IV: Don't think too much, remember that the polygraph shows normal signals if you maintain your heartbeat, blood pressure, and breathing. Don't freak out if they question you.

Shin: What if they ask me about my past???

IV: Just try to stay calm. We've made our way here and we really can't mess up and lose our dream just because of this stupid lie detector.

Shin: okkay. We will act normally as if we don't have that horrible past.

IV: I know it's hard. But please don't mess up.

Shin: okkay...

Without realizing, shin said the word 'okkay' out loud, that it is heard by the soldier next to her.

Solider: What???

Shin(coming into reality): nothing mam, just mentally preparing myself for the interview.

Solider(with a soft smile): it's okkay. Just don't stress out. It may affect on the polygraph.

Shin(with a soft smile): Okkay. Thank you, mam.

Then a tall man about 5'11 with grey eyes wearing a higher official uniform came into the room with a fierce face and with a look as if he is going to interrogate a criminal or worse killing him. He was the colonel. By seeing him shin stood up and greeted him, he greeted her and turned towards the soldier who was standing next to the lie detector.

Shin(in her mind): Is it to me or to everyone he is looking like he is going to murder someone???. God! Why I'm getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen???

By looking at the colonel's face only these thoughts were running on shin's mind. Her tension and nervousness are increasing. Adrenaline is pumping like a flood and due to cortisol her sugar level in the bloodstream and her brain functioning are increasing. She is sweating just by thinking about what questions he will ask.

Colonel: everything ready soldier???

Solider: Yes, colonel.

After listening to that, the colonel faced Shin and sat in front of her.

Before he looked at Shin he saw the polygraph and the signals were fluctuating. He left a sigh and took a look at Shin and said:

Colonel: Miss. Shin, Don't worry it's just a part of the interview, we can't take a chance when we allow someone into the military. I hope you can understand that.

Shin(with a nervous smile): Y-yes sir.

Colonel: I advise you to relax. Take a deep breath and relax your body, if you won't relax then it will affect the polygraph.

Shin(after taking a deep breath): okkay. I'll try to relax.

Colonel (with a strange look): By the way Why are you so nervousness it's just an interview?

Shin(with while trying to relax): it's not the interview sir. It's just.. um.. I'm... I'm nervous about seeing you, sir.

By listening to that colonel let out a chuckle and said

Colonel (smiling): ohhh... Hahaha... Don't be, everyone feels the same by seeing my face. Just relax.

After a couple of minutes, Shin relaxed. When the colonel took a look at the polygraph the signals were normal and he thought of starting the interview.

Colonel: okkay, now, that you are relaxed. We will start our interview. We will start with the basic questions first, but before that, if you've any doubts about which you want clarification, you can ask them.

Shin: thank you, sir. Umm... sir, Why don't you use sodium pentothal for this kind of thing it's more effective than this machine?

(Sodium pentothal has another name which everyone knows i.e., "Truth Serum".)

Colonel (let out a chuckle seeing how curious shin is): Yes, we can. But the chemical sodium pentothal has huge side effects and it may cause severe health issues like cardiac arrhythmia if the person's body on whom we are using is weak. Moreover, it's against human rights.

Shin(with an I-understood what you said look on her face): okkay. Thank you, sir.

Colonel: now, let's start. What is your name???

Shin(thinking it as a weird question and realizing about asking basic questions): Shin, sir.

Colonel then looked at the soldier and the soldier simply nodded indicating it's true and the equipment is working fine.

Colonel: very well. In which university you got graduated???

Shin: Mium university from the town 'Anvtag' sir.

Colone: Good. now, let's go for the real questions. How was it possible for you to hack the system???

Shin(took a deep breath before she started): With a two-step hacking sir. I've used only two things: first- a simple web server attacking tool to make the server as a bot or a zombie, and second- a simple attack against a web server. The web server attacking tool is "Zeus" and the attack against the webserver is called "Directory transversal attack"...

Colonel: What???? I have never heard about those attacks and tools. And I don't think we can find those tools at this time???

Shin: Yes sir. Those two things are long outdated. After 2020, the tools and attacks used till that date are either destroyed or removed...

As we all know that every country in the world changed to military rule in 2020 to overcome the social crisis and to show that the world is ruled by the military and to show the difference the military has replaced the whole internet with the internet developed by them. They also did it to keep a better track of people's activities on the web, even the dark web or deep web is been destroyed.

Due to this change, people who had old software destroyed them to replace them with new ones, and with that destruction the attacking tools became extinct. At present no one keeps those software and it is hard to find them.

When we come to the attacks, due to the loss of old software viruses they had no much use and people simply forgot how to use them as time passed by. Even in college or Universities, they don't teach those attacks as they are way more outdated.

Colonel(with a confused and curious look): If the tools are gone and the attacks aren't taught by anyone, how did you know those attacks and where you got Zeus.??? be continued...