The past(Barista)...

"I can and am Handling it Dad and I have a free time of 4 hours apart from sleeping. So I want to work."

I made puppy eyes, I know he can't say no to me.

Frank: But what work will you do?

"There's a cafe near the school and I want to work as a barista there. Hannah said I'm really good at making coffee so I wanna make use of that skill."

Frank: No way you're gonna work in someone else's cafe. Moreover, you'll complete your high school next year, you won't have much time for the cafe work once you go to university.

"I can manage, I've decided the course I want to do and checked the syllabus for the first year, It's the same as the one I learned from you in 1st year of high school summer holidays."

Frank: What! you chose the course and didn't tell me?

"I wanted to tell you right after I completed my high school."

Frank: What course?

"Computer science."