The past(Jerks)...

"You broke up with him because of that? It may be his sister or cousin."

Hannah: I thought of the same and when I observed them for some time...

"I would prefer the word 'spy'."

Hannah: Whatever, when I spied them as you say, I saw they both were kissing at the corner table. You tell me who kisses his sister in public that too on lips and that too an open mouth kiss?

"Ewww, stop describing, I'll puke if you say more. Just tell me what you did?"

Hannah: I went towards them and knocked on the table, they broke the kiss and the girl said 'Babe the waiter came, what would you like to have?'. What the hell, do I look like a waiter? I crossed my hands to my chest. Then Roy raised his head to order food and immediately stood up making a face like a thief makes when the police catch him.


Hannah: And what? nothing, end of the story, I came to room crying.

"Wait a while, where did you break up with him in this whole story?"