'Love' fake or not...

Elizabeth: As you see, I can't, work calls, my team has to complete our project by March 1st.

After 5 minutes the cab arrived and Shin took the cab to the cafe. Elizabeth sat in the car and took her phone out from her handbag. She left a sigh.

Elizabeth(In a low voice talking to herself): I can't believe I'm doing this, but you haven't left me a choice, Shin. I can't let you die, if you die I die. I'm sorry for doing this.

Elizabeth called an unknown number and the other person answered the call. It was a young male voice.

Unknown person: Hello, Elizabeth what happened?

Elizabeth: She said she can't do this anymore. I tried to convince her but she won't listen.

Unknown person: I knew it.

Elizabeth: It's time, you know what to do.

Unknown person: Okkay.

Elizabeth ended the call and drove to her office.
