The past(Dinner and send-off)...

"Nothing, he's teasing me like old times. Listen, Liam wanted to have dinner with you guys, wanna join?"

Patrick: What's the occasion?

"He's going back to Yarke today, the flight's at 11:30. So, he just wanna meet you guys."

Regie: I wish I could, but have work. 

"Can't it be postponed?"

Regie: It's Marcus's family, they wanted to have dinner with us and talk about their grandchildren.

"That's good news isn't it Pratick?"

Patrick: Yeah, really good news.

Regie: It's more like a live postmortem to me. I'm sick of his parents.

"You say this every time."

Regie got a call and he went away from us to answer it.

"So, Pratick you coming?"

Patrick: I don't know him, it'll be a bit awkward.

"It's fine, you know me and Hannah and you'll get to know him too. Please come or else Hannah would kill me."

Patrick: Okkay.

Regie came towards us, he was in such a hurry.