The past(Music and cooking clubs)...

"Yeah, I usually go home on holidays and dad takes me to museums near my home. So it's the first time."

Hannah: You must have mistaken, don't think about it deeply, leave it.


By this time our food came and we were started having our lunch. We had our lunch while talking about random topics. We completed our lunch and it was time to order desserts.

Hannah: I'll have a strawberry pastry.

"Won't that heavy?"

Hannah: Na, my stomach has a place for it.

Patrick: Great, I would like to have chocolate ice-cream. What about you Shin?

"I'll go with ice-cream cake."

The waiter went to bring our orders and came back with them in no time.

Patrick: So, what about the university, decided what course to join?. I know Shin's what about you Hannah?

Hannah: Same as her.

Patrick: You both do are inseparable.

Hannah: Kinda.


Patrick: What about the clubs?

"What clubs?"