The past(Lunch with Ken)...

Shin's pov: 

The next day after our first date, everything went normal, I went to the cafe to do work and so did Patrick came, everything went normal. The whole month of March went the same with me doing work at the cafe, going home on weekends, and having a date with Patrick. Me, Hannah and Patrick we three of us used to go every time. It was really fun.

It was April 1st morning and dad called me to come home.

Frank(on-call): Chocolate, it's been a month since you got your holidays, why don't you come back home?

"I want to dad, but Hannah insisted on staying here, I'll talk to her again."

Frank(on-call): Bring a Teddy bear too.


Frank(on-call): You were never this time away from me after giving holidays, why is the reason?

"Dad it's..."

Frank(on-call): What is it?

He said in a soft tone.

"Will you be angry if I find someone whom I love more than my laptop and Hannah?"

Frank(on-call): What?