The past(The kidnap lead to murder)...

Tanya: Take rest, you need it the most now.

"I-I can't, every time I close my eyes I see Hannah. I see her holding my hands and move along the classrooms full of the memories I've of her's and then suddenly she disappears."

Tanya: You'll die if you won't let your body heal.

"I want to know what happened."

Tanya: Fine, but promise me you'll rest after knowing it.

"I promise."

Tanya: Good, Dad the doctor is calling you, Patrick is with her.

Patrick nodded his head in agreement and Tanya took Frank outside the room.

"What happened?"

Patrick: I don't see how it helps you with making your mind peace.

"It's won't. I want to know the truth Pratick, those guys came for me. They tried to kidnap me. I'm not stupid to not know it."

Patrick: It's just your illusion Shin.

"Don't try to fool me, what exactly happened, tell me."