The clumsy scientist...

Third person's pov:

As Shin was saying all those, the clock hit 4 and the alarm rang.

Doctor: I'm afraid we should stop it here.

Shin: Okkay.

Doctor: So, how do you feel Shin? Do you find any change in your mind or the burden you bear?

Shin: Recalling all of them was a bit relaxing except today. My nightmares didn't stop but I can sleep peacefully for a while.

Doctor: That seems like a good improvement.

Shin: Maybe, is there any way I can just take tablets and I forget my past, like amnesia or something?

Doctor: I'm sorry, I can't help you with that.

Shin: Thought the same. Thanks, doctor. I'll keep going.

Doctor: Okkay, let me walk you out. 

Shin: Thank you, doctor.

They both came out, Shin took her belongings and went outside. The doctor usually took the phone and started talking to his head.

Head: Hey doc.

Doctor: Sir.

Head: So, what happened?