Patrick's past(The happening of unexpected)...

Shin went outside, and I sat on the bench and meditated to control myself, after some time, I went out and we both did work. The work and the customers were more today cos of the weekend. I found that she knows what is meant by cheesy and she understands if I flirt with her, I really underestimated this girl. It was evening and we closed the cafe. 

I was cleaning the table and Shin was cleaning the kitchen. I slowly closed the front door and kept both of our phones on silent, so no one can disturb us. After the work was done, she wanted to go home to make dinner for Hannah.

I caged her by keeping hands on either side of the kitchen counter. From that time itself, her fair skin turned red like a tomato. She was adorable at the moment. How can one resist when they see her like this.