The escape...

Shin: Listen, I lost you guys once. I don't wanna lose you again.

Frank: I feel the same Chocolate. I lost you once, I don't and can't do it again.

Patrick: Just accept it, Shin.

Lee: Yeah, we'll be, in and outright.

Shin: I don't know.

Marcus: Guys you need to hurry, they found the car you guys stole at the cafe. 

Shin: How to go without anyone noticing?

Lee: Trams.

Patrick: But the black aces will be there any Shin's face will be revealed.

Shin: That's not a problem, the military will know that I'm alive by now. The skeleton they found is for sure not's mine, they must've found it by now. Regie, change the news channel and find if they got any news for us. Marcus, find out where the Black Aces have kept their spots.

Patrick: Even after doing all that, we need a spot where no police or gangsters are looking for. At this time, it's not possible.