Chapter 13

Taehyung's POV

     " What are you doing?" Jungkook Voice boomed  through the office

      "Mr jeon, I still need some time, I'll finish typing this file as soon as possible"

      Jungkook looked surprised at what I said "I know you're typing I'm asking what for"

    "Huh" now  it was my turn to be surprised I thought Lisa said he needed this file

     " go home don't do this type of things anymore" He said touching his forehead

    " mr jeon...  do you have a headache? How about. I perform a massage for you" I said happily wanting to be close to him

      " Okay" Jungkook replied in a monotone voice

    I move to his office while he just lays down on a bench with his eyes closed while I'm sitting on a chair (I don't know if you understand what i mean cause I'm bad at explaining).

       He looked so peaceful lying still with his eyes closed and before I knew it my lips were on his lips. Omg what did I just do? I was scared thinking he would make any reaction but he didn't meaning he was asleep.

     What has he been doing lately? How could he fall asleep so quick I wondered and kissed him again liking the feeling and the taste before I covered him with a blanket.

          Jungkook's POV

      I felt taehyung's lips on mine and I was surprised by the feeling. I strangely enjoyed every second of it (boi,it wasn't even up to a second) i want to kiss him again

         Taehyung's POV

        I texted baekhyun immediately to tell him to come meet Jungkook 'Jungkook I called Baekhyun there,that should make you happy right' I said to my self forcing a smile.

          Time skip to jimins house

     "Right on time. I'm serving bulgogi and japchae your favorite food" I hear jimin day and immediately smile thinking of the food he made.

       "Taehyung this is for you" jimin said holding a black box

    " what is it?" I asked excitedly. I really love gifts

     "Open it and you'll know" jimin replied "you must try it on,I'll give you five minutes" he continued walking out the door.

         I opened the fort hurriedly and saw some beautiful clothes in it, I can't believe he got this for me

         "Taehyung are you finished? How about I go in there and help you change?" Jimin yelled

          " bitch you better not come in before I knock you out" I said laughing hard as I changed

             After changing i I told jimin to come in and he was staring at me.

         " how is it? Does it look bad? I knew it taking it off" I muttered feeling insecure " stop!don't change! You are stunning!" Jimin shouted "Taehyung you are sexy truly"   " yah stob it" I shouted embarrassed.

         How he looked (if I looked like this I would not how to act)


         We both laughed before jimin dragged me to the living room and brought out a cake and started singing

    Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you Taehyung happy birthday to you

        I started crying I didn't even know it was my birthday (you'll know why later) " boi stop crying, make a wish so we can cut the cake, I blew out the candles fast wanting to have a taste

          "You didn't even make a wish"jimin deadpanned " I just realized, thank you jimin for all this" I said as I was about to eat the cake but jimin snatched it " Taehyung you can't it only I can eat it" jimin scolded

         " yah,just a bite please" i begged wanting to taste the sweet savory taste of the cake " no way" he yelled stuffing his face

     " half a bite" I asked giving him the puppy eyes knowing no one can resist my pupping eyes

     " ok you can have a little bit" jimin sighed giving up

       I eat it happily wanting to have more "yah only this much" jimin mumbled "Aren't you a grace beauty like your fans say? Why are you yelling and nagging like a middle aged housewife" I mocked jokingly

     "Yah! Kim Taehyung how dare you call me a middle aged housewife!" He yelled as he chased me through out the house until he was tired

    " Taehyung wait, come on, I'll take you out to have some fun"  " ah...where to?"

    "Night view, you know of it?" He asked and I shook my head no

      "Of course not,country boy I'll take you there to see the outside world" jimin rambled on and on about how I was missing out.

            Time skip to Night view

         Jimin told me that can come here we're either powerful or rich and no matter how rich you are, without a social status, you sill can't get in but I could cause I'm with him.

      "I wanna go home" I whined "tsk you are so lame"

      " What can I serve you" the waiter interrupted " one martini for me and a glass for him" jimin answered looking at my belly

     "Water?" The waiter asked surprised "right make it warm not cold" jimin said " oh,a glass on warm water"

       "Taehyung there are a lot of things you've never experienced are you sure you want to die this young?" jimin asked sipping his martini "Taehyung give this child up tzuyu told me she can give you 8 to 10 years if you can give this baby up with those 8 to 10 years you could travel around the's really wonderful out there" jimin lectured

   " I've loved Jungkook unswervingly for so long. Now I can face my death I want this baby even if you call me selfish"

     "Wow,what brought you here ,our pure and innocent star?"


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