Chapter 22

       taehyung looked at jimin for help, he didn't know how to answer the question "um sir, they need you right there" jimin said pointing to a table  "taehyung bring my grandchildren home to visit this week" he said before going not forgeting to say bye to the grandkids 

   "thanks jimin" "no problem"

       jungkook was surprised after all that taehyung said to his family, taehyung had changed so much, he was no longer the naive boy he was, he also saw some kids next to him 'did taehyung start a new family' 'who was his wife'. he knew taehyung might not forgive him, but he would still try


     taehyung heart skipped a beat when he heard his voice, he was scared to turn around, what if he had found out about his children and tried to take them after all he never liked him. "mama, who ish this uncle" hanuel said looking at jungkook "it's no one baby" 

 jungkook heart dropped but he still smiled "taehyung, can i talk to you" 

   "jungkook, what the fuck do you want from him now" jimin whisper yelled trying not to bring anymore attention to their table  "calm down minnie, i want to talk to him for a second" tae said   "are you sure?" "yes"  "jeon i'll be watching you" jimin hissed

       jungkook led him out of house  finding a quiet place for them to talk without any interruptions "taehyung, i'm really sorry for what i did" he cried   "jungkook, i forgave you years ago" he replied not looking into jungkook's eyes, he didn't want to see the male cry "are you sure?"  "yes"

       taehyung was surprised when jungkook hugged him tightly but he hugged him back, "can we be friends now?" jungkook asked awkwardly pulling off

    "what?" taehyung asked 

"ah, i understand that you have a wife , but i want to be friends with you"

"jungkook, i don't have a wife, and of course i would love to be your friend" he said even though he still wanted jungkook

 "then, did you adopt the kids?"

 "um-the  kids-the kids are y"