
In the Fields

At first she did not see anyone, but then suddenly began to distinguish translucent whitish figures looked like small clouds. Someone was waving above the grass and some were swimming over her, like a fog.

"Maybe they are the souls!" Angelica said to herself. "But how do I talk to them? How do I know where the soul of Prince Edward is?"

She flew closer to one of the clouds and accidentally touched it. Immediately, pictures appeared in front of her eyes, as if she was watching a film...

She saw a young boy who went fishing at the lake on the boat quite far from the shore and threw the bait. Suddenly his float hopped, and the boy jumped up in delight, trying to hook in the fish. But he did it very carelessly and stepped on the edge of his small boat. The boy lost balance and fell into the water; the boat turned over and hit him on the head...

Lica shook her head, took a deep breath and flew on. For some reason she did not want to ask that boy's soul anything. She was hovering over the grass and soon saw a group of semi-transparent clouds. The girl immediately turned towards them and this time intentionally touched one of them.

And again she saw something like film...

She saw two guys and two girls talking about holiday together. They were in someone's house having a lot of fun ... Suddenly, a fire broke out. The flame instantly covered the wooden hut. They were in a panic, trying to get out of the house, but accidentally the roof fell...

Angelica pulled her hand back. Then she gathered her will in a fist and said:

"I am looking for the Prince Night's - Prince Edward's soul. Do you know anything about it?"

"No," the souls shook their heads. "Here, everyone is for himself, and no one knows anything about others."

"But what can I do?" the girl exclaimed in the hearts.

"Try to find the soul of a suicide girl. She rushed down the mountain when she knew that her beloved died," suddenly offered one of the souls. "I once talked to her. She told me that she flew everywhere in the Ghosts' Fields looking for the soul of her beloved boyfriend. Maybe she can help you."

"And how can I find her?" Angelica asked.

"Fly ahead – towards the break! She is usually there, if only not is she flying and looking for him."

"Thank you!" Lica sincerely thanked her.

She rose higher above the ground and flew forward. Soon she saw the break. The girl flew up and looked around. She heard the river roared far below in the abyss. But even in the bright light of the moon she could not see it. Suddenly, she heard somebody singing. She could not really make out the words of that song, but some pieces of phrases flew to her ears:

... My dear, where are you?


I ... went through pain and death...


... I want to be with you...

"It looks like I'm on the right way!" Angelica was happy.

She began circling along the cliff, and finally saw the figure of the girl sitting at the edge of the cliff. Lica flew closer and touched her hand. And immediately pictures of a girl's life flashed as on the screen. She saw her with a young man... They were very happy together, and then she clang onto her sadness when she knew that her boyfriend was killed and, finally, she stretched out her arm like a bird - wings, and jumped from that cliff into the abyss...

"Help me," asked Angelica. "I am looking for the Prince Edward's soul. You are said to know where it is!"

"I have been looking for my boyfriend's soul for many years," she said sadly. "And I can swear that it is not among the souls here - in the Fields. I have never met the Prince's soul here!"

"What does that mean?" Lica asked excitedly.

"This means that they can be only in one place – in the Well of Oppression! This is the kind of hell for the restless souls. They create their own dark illusion and cannot get out of it."

"Why you are not flying there?"

"When I get there, I will not be able to get back. And I won't be able to help my boyfriend."

"But it must be some way to do it!"

"Only a creature that lives at the same time in the real world and in the hereafter can go down to the well, find there the soul and get along with it up. For other souls the way there is closed."

"And where is this well?"

"Let's fly, I'll show you!"

And the soul of a girl rose into the air. Angelica hurried after her. They flew along the cliff. Shortly ahead Angelica saw a structure that reminded her abandoned farm. In the yard she saw the well.

"That is the well!" she pointed out. "But do not poke your nose or you'll stay there forever!"

"What is your name?" asked Lica.


"And your boyfriend's name?"


"Thank you, Sofia, for help! I promise you, if I can get into this well, I will try to find your boyfriend!"

Angelica hovered in the sky and began to wonder.

"What am I going to do now?" she thought. "The Prince in the well! I cannot go there... creature... I need a creature that lives in two worlds at once... Wait a minute!"

Lica nearly screamed with joy.

"Of course! The prince of Vampires!"

Confused thoughts danced in Angelica's head:

"Yes. He lives in two worlds. But Margo warned me that he would take me as real. How she was saying: 'They will not kill you, but they can cramp...' And yet I have no other choice! Time passes and I haven't found the soul of Prince yet!"

And she decided. She went down to Sofia.

"Do you know where the castle of Prince of Vampires is?" Lica asked her.

"I do, but I keep away from it!"


"Vampires are very crafty creatures. With the same success they can drink the blood of a living person and suck the energy out of the soul. If it happens, then we will simply cease to exist."

"Sofia, listen to me. I need you now took me to the castle of vampires. In the castle you're not going to fly with me! I beg you, show me the way to it!"

Sofia thought for a while and then said:

"All right! For so many years, at least some adventure! Fly!"

And she flew showing Lica the way. Shortly ahead Lica could see the steeples of dark gloomy castle of Vampires. Angelica stopped and said:

"Well Sofia, wait for me here. If everything goes well, I'll persuade the Prince of Vampires to help us. If not... If, 'not' and anyway I have no choice!"

"Prince of Vampires!" Sophia gasped. "Are you crazy?"

"Maybe," she smiled.

She quickly got up off the ground and flew towards the castle. Angelica remembered, where the bedroom of the prince was and went straight to its window. Luckily the light of candle was winking in the room.