
The Desert

The orange sun limb appeared in the horizon.

"It's Sun?" the girl was surprised.

"Yes, I have told you that it is regular place with day and night; however, it is not good for us. Daytime in the desert is such scorching that you can easily get a heat stroke."

"I think it is morning now," said Angelica. "But the sun is strange color; it's orange!"

"It's bad," Edward said grimly. "It means the beginning of wind season, remember Margo told about it."

"What are we going to do?" Lica was confused.

"Go on!" the Prince smiled.

And he pulled the reins. Riders raced across the sands toward the orange sun. They were riding for a few hours, but nothing changed. They saw only sand dunes around.

"Our horses are tired and thirsty," said Edward. "We need to find an oasis."

"Do you think that we can find an oasis in this place?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes, we can, because people live here. We need to find them! Wait here!"

And the Prince Night sent his horse forward and climbed the highest dune.

"Angelica!" he shouted. "The storm is coming! We must go back right now!"

The girl noticed how a swirling wind stream appeared behind the dune.

The Prince immediately turned his horse motioning Lica to follow him. The girl pulled the reins and let the horse into a gallop. However, the storm was approaching faster and faster. Soon their horses were snorting and gasping from the sand which was in their noses and eyes.

"Maybe we should look for shelter here?" Angelica shouted.

At this point, they heard some screams and thirty riders came out of the sandy hill. All the people were dressed in long vests and turbans, which completely covered their heads and faces. Only their eyes peeked out of their strange hats.

The Prince pulled up his horse, turned to Lica and said:

"It's a bad luck! This is a warlike tribe! We are going back - into a storm! They will not dare to follow us!"

Edward turned his horse, grabbed Angelica's horse bridle and rushed away.

But nomads apparently decided not to lose their prey. With loud shouts and cries, they rushed after them. The storm was feeding ... Five minutes later one couldn't see what was just a few meters away. The Prince Night spurred his horse trying to keep Lica's also. For a moment he accidentally dropped Lica's horse's reins and a frightened animal shrank aside.

"Edward!" cried the girl.

But the wind stifled her scream. Angelica's horse broke into a gallop. The girl couldn't stay in the saddle and at full galloping fell into the sand. The hit was so strong that Lica fainted for a few minutes. The sand layer upon layer was covering the girl's body.

When Angelica woke up and opened her eyes, she did not understand where she was. She was in a tent on a colorful soft mattress, and there was nobody around. Lica got up, looking around. At this moment a tall man in a long white vest and turban came into the tent. His face was completely hidden, but his eyes were young and solicitous.

"I am Isa!" he introduced himself. "I am your translator. Our hakim liked you and tomorrow you are going to be his woman!"

"Anything to make it tougher," she thought, and asked aloud:

"And where is your hakim?"

"He has gone to find your companion."

"Well, thank God, Edward was not caught!" Lica was happy.

"And you are here to watch me, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes, you are right!" the man said calmly.

She realized that until now she is not in danger, and became a little more courageous.

"Tell me, Isa," she turned to the stranger, "your hakim doesn't have a woman?"

"He does have eight wives, you will be the ninth!"

"Calm down!" tried to think about it the girl. "I cannot be in harem because I will never break away! I have to pluck the fruits when the hakim isn't here and try to escape!"

"Are you married, Isa?" Angelica asked the man.

"No, I am a warrior!"

"If you were a simple warrior, you would not know my language, would you? As I see very few people in your tribe can speak my language."

It seemed to Lica that the man looked at her with interest.

"You are asking too many questions," Isa said coldly. "I am going outside, if you need something, I'll be near the tent - call me!"

He turned around and went out.

"D'oh!" cursed Lica. "It's unlikely to run away right now. This 'warrior' will overtake me at one stroke and then secure me. Then – welcome to harem! And for sure he is not alone here. I must think carefully!"

Nervously, she was coming up and down the tent.

"I need to touch a string in his heart and take off his guard," said the girl to herself. "He maybe be touched and let me go!"

However, the image of the man in a vest and turban was frightening her. A couple of hours passed. The door of the tent opened and Isa came in. He was carrying a flatbread, with a bunch of grapes, plums and raisins on it.

"Oh! Snack!" exclaimed Angelica, grinning.

"What?" Isa didn't understand her.

"Forget about it! Have you brought it for me?"

"Yes, it's for you!"

"Then I have to ask you! I'm not used to eat alone. Please, join me!"

"I am not allowed to do that!"

"Then, when I am your hakim's wife, I will complain him that you do not obey!"

The man was taken aback and had lost his tongue. A few minutes later, he said:

"I always obey my master!"

"And what if I try to convince him that you are snake and deserter!" Lica remarked acidly.

"Well... you will go far!" Isa said grimly.

"So it's better to be friends than enemies," the girl smiled. "Sit down, please!"

Man put the bread on a small low table and squatted beside. Angelica sat opposite him.

"Help yourself, Isa!" she pointed to food.

"It's not allowed!"

"Again?" she smiled. "What if the food is poisoned?"

The eyes of the man in a vest flashed, but then he removed a strip of cloth covering his face, and reeled it into his turban. Now Lica could see a handsome, young man with almond-shaped black eyes and dark skin. He took a grape and put it into his mouth.

"You see, the food is not poisoned!" he said.

The girl was staring at the young man. Isa got embarrassed and blushed.

"You are really handsome young man indeed, Isa!" finally, uttered Lica.

"Do not say such things!" asked the young man. "If the hakim knows, he does not like it!"

"How does he know?" asked the girl. "Did you tell him?"

She took a few grapes and put them in to her mouth.

"Tell me, how did you learn my language?" Lica asked him.

"I have been outside the mountains," briefly replied the young man.

"Wow, how interesting! And, so have I; I came from the mountains!"

"I know. We haven't got such... such..."

The young man got embarrassed and went silent.

"What?" asked him the girl.

"Such beautiful girl..." Isa said quietly.

"My name is Angelica!" smiled the captive.

"Why did you come to our country?"

"It's a long story! We're looking for a sorcerer who can control the elements."

"What for?"

"In the Kingdom of Night, the old evil broke from bonds. It can destroy the whole kingdom! And Margo said that in order to stop it, we must find a sorcerer."

The girl did not finish.

"Margo?" Isa raised his one eyebrow.

"Do you know her?" Lica asked.

The young man did not say anything.

"You're so mysterious, Isa," said Angelica. "You are always silent and blushing."

Young man got embarrassed again.

"I think I have to go!" he said.

She realized that if that guy leaves, she will never be free.

"Oh," she said. "I feel dizzy! Isa, could you bring me some water!"

And Lica fell unconscious on the carpet next to the table. The scared man ran out of the tent and a minute later back with a big bowl of water in his hands. He rushed to Angelica, lifted her head and began to pour water into her mouth. The girl opened her eyes and slightly raising on her elbow, cuddled to Isa's chest.

"Thank you!" she whispered. "You have saved my life!"

"How are you?" Isa said solicitously.

"I do not know, something wrong with my heart, I guess. Listen, it is beating loudly!"

She took his hand and put it to her chest. The young man bit his lip and tried to pull his hand away, but Lica didn't let it.

"Can you hear that?" she asked. "Do not leave me alone, Isa! I don't want to die! And your hakim will never forgive you, if something bad happens to me!"

The young man did not know what to say. He nodded, looking into Angelica's eyes.

"Are you getting better?" finally he muttered.

"A little," she whispered.

She sat down next to Isa, holding his hand.

"Isa," she said slowly. "I do not want to become a woman of your hakim. He has enough wives! Besides, he is probably old and ugly!"

"He is a great warrior!"

"In love is not important who is a great warrior! In love the main thing is how much you attract each other!"

And Lica touched his cheek. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"What are you doing?" he said quietly. "I would be killed if anyone ever found out what I had done!"

"You didn't do anything," Angelica smiled. "I did..."

She moved closer to the young man and took his turban off. Black curly hair tumbled down his shoulders.

"What a good-looking man you are, Isa!" whispered the girl, pulling him and kissing him passionately. The man couldn't stem anymore. He completely gave up to Lica. Suddenly they heard shouts and hooting from afar.