
News about Swein

Our heroes began to pack their things. The dead horse was Huron's. The sorcerer took his things and tied them to the saddle of the Prince's horse. After he took some water from the well, the riders set off. Angelica was with Prince Edward, and Huron was riding her horse.

"Hmm..." the sorcerer said grimly. "Now do I understand why this oasis was abandoned. Apparently, there is a Sand Snakes den nearby."

The morning was cool, and the horses ran quite briskly. After a few hours of traveling, they saw the mountains on the horizon.

"Look," Edward pointed, "I think we must go there!"

"We have to find the bridge!" noticed Lica.

The mountains seemed to be very close, but our travelers still didn't reach them. On their way, a couple of times they had to stop in oases, and they met the peaceful nomads, who regaled them with camel milk. Only when the sun was going down, they finally reached the foot of the mountains.

"I think the bridge should be somewhere there," said Prince Edward. "Here the mountains are completely different."

"Well, I think you know better," said Huron. "To be honest, I have not been in the Kingdom of Night for a long time, so I can be wrong."

The riders went forward. Soon the mountains finished and a deep abyss appeared in front of them.

"I know this place!" exclaimed Angelica. "The bridge is over there!"

The girl clapped her hands happily. Indeed, after half an hour they saw a hanging bridge. Prince Edward and the sorcerer dismounted and held the horses over the bridge by the bridle and Lica followed them. It became dark.

"Night," the girl said.

"Angelica, have you forgotten, there is always night in my kingdom!" Edward smiled. "By the way, the cave where we spent the night, when we had gone to look for Huron, is near here. Let's stay in it. In addition, there is a wonderful spring nearby."

"Show the way, Prince!" the sorcerer agreed. "We all need to relax after a terrible night with snakes."

Now Prince Night felt very confident. He took Lica and Huron to the cave by familiar paths. If before Angelica and Edward had had to climb up all the time, now their route was downhill; so the trip took less time. However, in some places our heroes had to walk and lead the horses, but overall their way was quite easy. Soon they saw the cave in the moon light.

"Look!" the girl said happily. "We're almost at home!"

"I think our torch is still there," said Prince Night.

He took the flint, went into the cave and lit the torch, left in a split. The cave became light and comfortable.

"You are welcome!" Edward said. "I will give water the horses. I slept longer than you last night."

Huron immediately lay down on bed from dry grass Lica had made last time, and went to sleep. The girl brought some more dry grass to the cave and made ​​another bed. The Prince went back in some time. He tied the horses near the cave and said:

"Go to sleep, Angelica, I will watch you!"

She agreed fixing herself in the bed from the dry grass. Its odor calmed her and Angelica fell asleep.

In the morning, Lica woke up because Huron was shaking her shoulder.

"Angelica, get up!" he said. "We need to have breakfast and hit the road."

"Okay," nodded the girl.

Our heroes had some food, which Leila had given them. Then, Prince prepared horses and they set off.

"I am wondering," said Lica, "the moon in the desert was completely different but here it is so big and round!"

"We're in the Kingdom of Night!" Edward said.

Again the travelers ware going down the hill. Although sometimes they had to go on foot, they moved very quickly.

"I recognize this place!" Angelica exclaimed suddenly. "Margo's cave is over there!"

"Where?" Huron asked impatiently.

"Here it is!" pointed Lica.

At this moment, the witch ran out of the cave crying:


She ran towards them.

"Margaret, my dear!" whispered the sorcerer, and jumping out of the saddle, hurried to his sister.

They embraced each other.

"Angelica, Edward!" Margo exclaimed. "Why are you freezing like statues?! Come inside! Today we will have a party!"

Elsa came out of the cave. She hugged Angelica with tears.

"What a long time I haven't seen you!" muttered the goblin woman.

The Prince Night dismounted holding the horses by the bridle and smiling. Elsa assured the Prince that she would take care of the horses, and Lica with Prince entered the cave.

"May I first go to the bathroom?" asked Angelica. "I awfully want to have a bath!"

"Of course!" Margo waved. "Clean clothes and a towel are there."

The girl ran down the corridor. She knew that the room of Swein was there. Lica immediately went in but no one was there.

"May be Swein is away on business," decided Angelica. "In any case, you need to have a bath first."

And she went to the bathroom. Having filled the bath with warm water, she got with pleasure inside. Finished, she changed the dress and went out into the hall. She was so charming, that Prince Edward said with admiration:

"You look larruping!"

"Thank you!" Angelica embarrassed. "The bathroom is free, Prince!"

Edward nodded and went to wash. Margo could not stop talking to her brother. Lica sat on the sofa for a while she was waiting for Swein but he did not appear. Then she went to the small hall where Elsa was busy with dinner and asked her:

"Elsa, how's the King of Goblins?"

"Well!" Elsa smiled. "He's fine! After your departure, he was ill for some time. Then his father came and took him to the palace. His father was furious about his hell-bent adventure. He decided that it is time Swein married; he thought that after marriage he would calm down and stop being immature. To do that the King's father decided to hold the ball in order to find a bride for Swein."

Angelica's heart stopped beating.

"And?" she asked quietly. "Has he found the bride?"

"Not yet," the goblin woman shook her head. "The ball is tomorrow! Today they are welcoming guests in their palace. Swein's father is sure that his son needs a woman, not goblin girl, that is why he has invited princesses of all over the neighboring states."

"Thank God!" whispered Lica.

"What?" asked her Elsa.

"Nothing!" the girl shook her head. "Let me help you to lay the table!"

The Goblin woman and Angelica quickly laid the festive table, and soon Edward, Margo and Angelica were sitting together in anticipation of the feast. After some time, Huron joined them too after having bath.

"Well, my dear!" Margo said, raising a glass of wine... "I am extremely happy that you were able to find and took my brother here. Now, together, we can win the evil from the abyss. Success is to our efforts!"

The witch drank wine and laughed happily.

"Tell me, Margo, where our friend Swein has gone?" asked Edward.

"Oh, that's a long story!" Margo smiled. "His father arrived after you had left and almost forcibly took the boy to the palace. He was very angry with Swein and grimly determined to marry him. For one month the goblins have been preparing for the grand ball, Swein has to choose a bride there. By the way, the ball is tomorrow, and I think the Goblins' King will be glad if you, Edward, and you, Angelica, visit him in the palace.

"Down from a mall, straight to the ball," said Lica under her breath.

"It would be nice!" the Prince smiled. "Angelica, have not you noticed that wherever we turn up, there is a wedding party? Maybe this is a sign."

The girl pretended not to understand Edwards's hint.

"Whose wedding party?" the witch was interested.

"Well!" exclaimed Prince Night. "Huron's daughter got married to a friend of Angelica."

"Do you have children?" Margo looked at her brother with surprise.

"She is my adopted daughter and pupil," Huron corrected the Prince.

"More and more surprises, my brother!" the witch smiled.

Then she turned to Angelica and Edward:

"Well, so what? Are you going to the ball? The king is your friend, isn't he?"

Prince Night looked at Lica. The girl thought for a moment and nodded.

"Of course!" she said. "I want to congratulate Swein and his future wife personally!"

"Well, perfect," said Margo. "And Huron and I will have time to discuss the situation in our kingdom and look through some magic books."

"Excuse me!" said Angelica "Can I go to bed a little earlier today? I would like to have rest I am exhausted."

"Of course!" the witch nodded. "But you usually sleep here, and now the room is busy. You know what, I'll ask Elsa to prepare Swein's room for you. It is free now. Don't you mind?"

The girl agreed.

"Well, good night!" Margo smiled.

Angelica wished good dreams to Huron and the Prince, and went to the room of the Goblins' King.