
The Great Divide

Angelica took out her sword, came to the haze and began saying magic words, which she didn't understand herself. Then she cut her hand and splattered with blood at the center of a misty substance. At that moment, something whistled and a long white cylinder came out of the haze and sucked the girl like a vacuum cleaner.

Lica was gone with something. Gradually the flight slowed and she found herself in a strange place. She was standing next to the same white haze in the gorge, but there was nothing around. Angelica was in empty space. Not letting the sword from his hand, she tried to take a few steps forward, but couldn't even move.

"What the hell!" exclaimed Lica.

She tried again and suddenly turned upside down. However, nothing changed. Even her long hair wasn't going up and as usual was falling on her shoulders.

"It's strange!" the girl said. "There is no gravity. But I can breath and that's good! So, where am I?"

She wanted to reach out the haze and moved her hand with the sword towards it. At the same moment, she was thrown in the opposite direction.

"Wow!" Angelica smiled. "So, now I know how to move here!"

And she began waving her hands to move forward. Soon, this tactic had its effect and she came to a large, circular stone floating in the air.

Immediately she was pulled to the stone, like to a magnet and she sprawled on its surface. With great effort, she could look up and see a scabbard of Prince Edward's sword.

"This means, the Prince and the King of Goblins were here," the girl thought happily. "I'm on the right way!"

She tried to stand up and break away from the stone. In the end, though with difficulty, she succeeded. Angelica again was 'floating' in space. Suddenly, she felt that she was in the water. However, she couldn't see anything around but Lica felt wet and cold.

"What is going on here!" she said through the clenched teeth.

She moved her hands more quickly and soon got out of the invisible lake.

"The old, ancient evil," repeated Angelica to herself. "Arthur said that this evil appeared long before the devil came down. Consequently, it was so long time ago that may be the Earth didn't exist yet! Most likely, there was only a 'starter', which later turned into our world. That's why the invisible waters, and magnets… This begs the question – how will I find my friends in this emptiness?!"

Her thoughts were interrupted with very sharp, unpleasant sound coming from somewhere in front. The girl hurried to go there. After a while, something looked like a huge spider web appeared in front of her eyes. Its size was almost half of all this space. On one of its strands, head down, Prince Edward was wrapped in a cocoon. It looked like he was unconscious.

"Edward!" exclaimed Lica and hurried to the Prince.

She cut the net threads with her sword. Oddly enough, the Prince did not fall, he continued soaring in the air. Angelica released Prince from the web, and then leaned against his chest and listened - if his heart was beating... Edward groaned and opened his eyes.

"Angelica?" he muttered. "I guess I am dead and you are just a dream."

"No," smiled the girl. "I am dead not you!"

"But how did you get here?" Edward asked, finally came to senses.

"I am looking for Huron! You and Swein did not come back!"

"Poor Swein!" the Prince sighed. "He and Huron were sucked with some giant swirl, although he almost freed the sorcerer from the vile creature tentacles..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" the girl interrupted Edward. "Could you tell a little bit more from this point, please? What a creature and what a swirl?"

"Oh, yes!" the Prince smiled. "Of course, you do not know anything!"

And he began his story...

"When we went down into the gorge," said Edward, "there was thousands of evil spirits. The King and I did a big job to make a way to the Great Divide. However, we pretty soon got to the portal. We expected to see there anything but what we saw shocked us..."

"You saw nothing?!" Lica grinned.

"That's right! Nothing!" the Prince Night nodded. "We were confused, where all these monsters appeared from and where Huron could be? Swein supposed that we were at the origins of our world creation. That time the Earth didn't exist yet. There was air, some material objects but they were still imperfect. We had the impression that someone invisible as if conducting experiments, created objects or new forms of life. By the way, we found some evidence of our assumption. As if out of 'nowhere' unusual, floating in space, cones, stone-like geometric shapes began to appear, strange trees were growing on them. As soon as we approached them, they immediately changed their form, turning into giant balls. Soon, many islands with thorny plants and huge lizards appeared in the air. They also disappeared after sometime... We were going to explore the largest of these 'islands', when suddenly a little twist appeared, gradually turning into tornado. We were lucky - we were at the safe distance from the distortion of energy bands, but we could perfectly see how this swirl was getting bigger, sucked a few islands and disappeared. We were horrified, looked at each other realizing that only a miracle helped us to avoid terrible death. At this moment, we heard terrifying screams. We moved there. I didn't say 'walked', because our movement could not be called 'walking'. Rather, we were floating somewhere... Soon we saw the other island afar. We could see that some awful creatures were living there. One of them looked like a giant octopus clutching something in its tentacles. This 'something' was screaming and making that sounds we had heard before. 'We have found him!' said the Goblins' King. 'It looks like Huron is screaming!' When I looked closer, I recognized the sorcerer. Oddly enough, but the monster did not eat him. It looked like the monster was playing with him as with the toy. Sometimes it squeezed Huron and he started screaming. Then the monster loosen his grip giving the sorcerer to breath, then squeezed him again. We immediately rushed to rescue him. I knew that Huron was immortal, but we had to pull him out of this world as soon as possible, so that he could complete the ritual. When we reached the island, the gravity immediately drew us to the ground what surprising us a lot. Swein drawing his sword out rushed to attack the monsters, I followed him. We fought like mad and soon many dead bodies were everywhere around us. However, to our surprise, the number of creatures did not decrease, but on the contrary – was getting bigger. As if someone was having fun to watch our desperate battle and giving us more and more enemies. Realizing that, Swein made a decision. 'I will help Huron! Get my back!' the Goblins' King shouted to me. 'And then we must get out of here as soon as possible!' He ran to the 'octopus' and began to cut its tentacles. Suddenly the space above us was in motion. A little twist turning into the swirl appeared again. I rushed to Swein to help him, but at this time a huge reptile spat at me. His saliva turned into a spider web and I helplessly hung over. I saw how a tornado sucked Huron, Swein and the island with monsters and then disappeared. I lost consciousness and regained only when you freed me. The end..."

"No!" Angelica said firmly. "Because of all this mess, I have lost my soul. In fact, I am dead, zombie, who has just three days to find the sorcerer. Believe me; to do this I will do everything possible and impossible. Edward, I am not going to force you to follow me, but I must go on!"

"Angelica, you hurt my feelings! We have suffered a lot together and now you are saying such things! Do you think that I can leave you alone? If we have to go, let's go! Come on!"

And Edward first moved on. Lica followed him.

"Edward," the girl turned to the Prince, "what do you think about the swirls that sucked everything?"

"I do not know, but I wouldn't like to be near them!"

"I just wanted to offer you to take risk. Because we can endlessly wandering here in space but if we got to the swirl, we might be able to find Swein and Huron. Of course, I am not sure."

"But we do not know what it is! What if it is something like a 'devourer of reality'! What then? We won't be able to save anybody and we will die!"

"Maybe you're right but then for me there is no difference. If I do not find the sorcerer, in three days time I will die anyway. That's why I will try to get into the swirl, and you Prince, will stay here and wait for me. If I don't come out, for example, in three or four hours, you should go back to the portal and try to get through it; then say to the Prince of Vampires and Margo, that we are all dead and they shouldn't wait for us anymore!"

"Are you crazy!? I do not even want to hear about it!"

"I'll do it anyway..."

At this time, slightly ahead of our heroes the space began to condense and soon a slight twist appeared ahead.

"Well, I am going!" exclaimed Lica.

Prince Night tried to hold her but she was moving so fast that very soon reached the border of the swirl.

"Edward, do not try to follow me!" she cried, turning to him. "I'm immortal, or, on the contrary, I am already dead. But you should save your soul! Go back to the kingdom and put everything in order! Good-bye!"

The 'twist' widened and turned into the tornado. The girl even couldn't say 'oh' when the swirl with a squish sucked her inside.

"Angelica!" the Prince shouted running after her.

But it was too late. The space suddenly rolled up and the swirl disappeared.

"What have you done?!" whispered Edward.