
3rd person POV:

Tony and Anna were in a room with a large map laid out on the table.

Tony: The eastern part of the world is mine to control. The middle and west are controlled by our sibling gangs.


Tony: The territories are very important to keep track of be-

(Knock knock knock)

Tony:... Excuse me.

Opening the door to the room, he is met with one thug.

Tony: What is it?

Thug: Boss! Jeremy has been put into the hospital!

Tony: What? What happened?

Thug: From what we can gather, a teen, Leona, and the stepbrother entered his club, when they left, Jeremy was badly hurt.

Anna: (Y/n)...?

Tony: Leona was seen with them...?

Tony: Tell the other three generals about this, but let them continue doing with their plans.

Thug: On it boss!

The thug leaves.


Tony:... That's it for today. How about dinner?

Anna: You can bring it to my room.

She leaves the room.


Tony leaves to visit Jeremy.

Leona replayed the battle between Jeremy and (Y/n) again and again, not willing to believe the outcome.

Leona: No...

(Y/n): Well too bad, we're getting McDonald's. Your diet, be damned.

Leona: Huh?

Marcus: We're getting McDonald's, my sugar muff-


She headbutted Marcus.

Marcus: ACK!

Marcus: (Y/n)! She hit me!

(Y/n): I know, it was funny as hell.

After the fight with Jeremy, the trio got some rest and now we're searching for breakfast.

As the boys ate their burgers, Leona was given a soda without a straw. Due to her tied up condition, she was in a difficult position.

Leona: Eh-hem... Straw, please.

(Y/n): Who's the next general, then we'll talk about straw privileges.

Marcus: Or a kiss.

Leona: Rather kiss a speeding bullet.

Leona:... Fine. Since we're in the place she hates the most.

Leona: The next general is Alexandra Schofsky. Otherwise, known as the rubber fighter.

(Y/n): Rubber fighter? Does she beat condoms up?

Leona: No. She's called that because of her flexibility.

Leona: She's so flexible, she uses her body as a weapon.

Marcus: That's so hot...

(Y/n): How?

Marcus:... Not important. Anything else you can tell us?

Leona: Fitness freak, disgusting level of flexibility, dancer... Nothing else.

(Y/n): Then let's take this breakfast on the road.

Leona: Wait my straw.

(Y/n) places an unwrapped straw on her ear.

Leona:... Fuck you.

And so, the trio wandered around the city until they eventually found a small gym, called the "Real work".

(Y/n): So this is why you didn't get the strip club.

Leona: It's a gym.

Marcus: It's good with me either way.

Leona: Why is he with you?

(Y/n): He's useful... Sometimes.

Marcus: Let's just go in...

The three, attempt to enter only for a bouncer to stop them.

Bouncer: You're not on the list.

(Y/n): And you're not on my shift list... Yet...

(Y/n): So let me in or else.


After staring at the intimidating figure that is (Y/n), he broke.

Bouncer: F-fine... But only you.

(Y/n): Whatever. You two wait here or find a way inside.

He enters, leaving the two behind.

Marcus: I guess it's just you and me~

Leona:... I need to get in.

She walks up to the Bouncer.

Leona: Tell Alexandra, Leona is here.

Bouncer: Why should I-

Someone then told the Bouncer through the earpiece to let her in.

Leona then walked past a camera as she entered the extremely exclusive gym.

Marcus:(mind) Do I just wait here?

He then saw the line of angry women glaring at him.

Marcus:... Ladies~

While Marcus began running for his life, (Y/n) and Leona was busy in the gym.

(Y/n) immediately searched for the gym area itself while Leona was brought into the main office of the building.

There, Leona saw Alexandra stretching and getting ready for some kind of activity.

She had a thin body, white skin, and a ponytail. She wore an acrobat outfit.

Leona: A-

Alexandra held up a finger to tell her to wait.

Putting her hair into a ponytail, she looks at her wall that had many kinds of swords hung on it.

She took one of the blades and with one swipe, freed Leona.

Leona: Th-

Alexandra then held the sword to her neck.

Alexandra: I've heard that you've switched sides...

Leona: What are you on about? You literally freed me.

Alexandra: So you were their captive?

Leona: Yes!

Alexandra: Then why did you lead them to Jeremy and me? If you were loyal you wouldn't peep a word.

Leona: They have this crazy plan to beat up our entire gang. I thought that  Jeremy would be able to teach them a lesson-

Alexandra: And now he's in the hospital.

Leona:... I underestimated him.

Alexandra: Now, I must fix your mistake.


Alexandra: When I'm done, we'll see what kind of punishment the boss gives you for being a traitor.

Leona: I'm not a traitor...

Alexandra: Are you sure?

A Gin thug then entered the room.

Thug: Ma'am, we have a problem.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) sat on top of a workout machine while several women in this women-only gym were being taken away to the hospital due to making the mistake of annoying (Y/n).

As he sat atop of that machine, he took out a burger and menacingly ate it while glaring at everyone.

Alexandra and Leona then arrived.

Leona: Oh boy...

Alexandra: Who are you?

(Y/n): They call me (Y/n)...

Alexandra: You hurt my clients, insult me by simply being here, while also bringing trash into my establishment!?

(Y/n):(takes a bite of burger)

(Y/n):(mouth full) Leona, who the fuck is she?

Leona: Alexandra, one of the generals.

Alexandra: Yes. Now, what do you have to say for your-


(Y/n) threw his burger at Alexandra's face. As she slowly wiped off the sauce on her face, (Y/n) hopped to the ground.

(Y/n): Eat something you skinny bitch.

Alexandra: How dare you!?

(Y/n): You mad? Good! Now let's fight!

Dashing towards her, he swings his arm towards her. Alexandra leaned back to avoid the attack while lifting her leg to kick (Y/n).

(Y/n): Tch...

Alexandra then went to punch (Y/n), only for him to catch her fist. While her fist was in his hand, she dislocated that arm, swung her body around, and elbowed (Y/n) in the face.

Letting her fist go, (Y/n) watched how Alexandra relocated her arm.

(Y/n):... Okay then.

Alexandra: Girls! Music!

The girls in the gym then turned up the music, which was a pop song.

(Y/n): Oh fuck no...

Alexandra ran towards (Y/n). He attempted to punch her, but she would bend her body out of the way of his attacks.

She then slid between (Y/n)'s legs, getting behind him, she then placed him into a body lock by wrapping her limbs all around him.

(Y/n): Get off!

Falling to his back to try and get Alexandra off, (Y/n) was the only one to land, due to Alexandra sliding around his body to get on top of him.

Alexandra: I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget!

She claws at him with her nails, but (Y/n) grabs her wrist.

(Y/n): I never listen during lessons!

Headbutting her off of himself, he flips to his feet, only to see Alexandra jumping towards him.

She wraps around his arm, with her legs wrapped around his neck. Using her moment she tried to fling him to the ground or at least snap his arm.

However, her endeavor was unsuccessful.

The Hellspawn easily grabbed her neck, with the position she was in, it was no trouble.

With only one arm, he lifted her up, while both tried choking the other out, but (Y/n) had a clear advantage.

Repeatedly, he smashed her into the nearby weight lifting machinery.

Inevitably she fell off his arm.

The Hellspawn tried grabbing her leg, but it slipped from his grasp, but he did manage to dislocate the leg which she then used to kick him by whipping her body around in a twirling motion, similar to a ballerina.

(Y/n): I'm bored with this gimmick...

Catching her kick, she dragged her leg along with her to a nearby Pulley.

He twisted her leg, then lifted up all the weights on the pulley then dropped it on her twisted leg.

Now pinned in one spot, Alexandra had nowhere to run.

(Y/n):(wicked grin) Now little snake... It's time to eat...

(Y/n): I hope you enjoy knuckle sandwiches!

With a relentless barrage of punches, he beat Alexandra into a bloody pulp.

After he was done, he bent her body to itself limit and pinned all her limbs to other machinery.

Horrified and disgusted by (Y/n)'s punishment towards Alexandra, Leona had no idea how to react.

She was broken out of her shocked state by the cries of Marcus.

Marcus: Catch meeeeee!

Looking up, she saw Marcus jump through a window near the ceiling. Leona broke his fall by kicking him to the ground.


Marcus: Why...?

Leona: The only way I'll ever agree to touch you is if it involves hitting you.

Marcus: Ugh...


After seeing what (Y/n) did to Alexandra, he ran to a garbage can and puked.

Marcus: God damnit (Y/n)!

(Y/n): What are you complaining about now?

Marcus: Is she alive?

(Y/n): How the hell should I know?

Marcus: By checking?

(Y/n):(looks at Alexandra)

Alexandra:.....(coughs blood)

(Y/n): Seems fine to me.

(Y/n) then leaves with the other two simply mindlessly following behind.