Hellspawn adventure: part 3

3rd person POV;

The little baby know as Jason, was currently using mud and dirt in his front yard to build a crude punching bag for himself.

This was the first time April and Connor ever saw their son be "creative" in such a way.

April: Connor, do you think this means Jason might be an artist when he grows up?

Connor: It's too early to say.

April: I can see it now! Our little Jason sculpting something important! I'm already so proud!

Connor:(chuckles) Calm down. Save your proudness for when he's actually done it.

After almost two hours of building, he finally finished.

One blow would probably destroy it, but it'll do.

Little Jason reeled back his arm, he began moving it towards the makeshift punching bag, but before he could hit it, a dog crashed through it.

Baby (Y/n):!?

Dog: Bark bark!

Baby (Y/n):(death glare)

April: Aww... Did you make a friend with the neighbor's dog?

Baby (Y/n) to glare at the dog with malicious intent.

Neighbor: Sorry neighbor!

Connor: It's okay.

April: Come on Jason, let's give you a bath.

Little did that dog know when it ran back to its owner, it had made an enemy. An enemy who would not rest until he got revenge for that act of disrespect.

(A few hours later)

May had gone out on a date, which she hoped would end with her going to their place, but botched the date horrifically.

Now she got back home to the Mcknight residents and began climbing the stairs to her room.

May: I'm back!

April:(in the distance) Welcome home! You want to play hide and seek with me and Jason.

May: I'll pass! Just want some alone time!

She entered her room and locked the door.

May:(sigh of relief)

May: Time for a little "alone time".

She turned on the TV in her room, then turned the volume up.

Crouching down, she pulled out a box that held her "special toy" out from her bed.

May then closed her curtains then as she walked back to the box, she took off her shirt.

May:(mumbles) Had a bad date♪ So now I'm going to play by myself♪

Standing in front of the box, she unbuckled her belt and let her jeans fall to her ankles.

May: Time to play, old friend, hehe...

Lifting the lid off the box slowly, she opened it to reveal baby (Y/n).

May: What the-!?

With a mix of shock, and the instincts of not wanting her nephew to see her undressed like that, she jumped back, but due to her jeans being around her ankles, May tripped and fell on her back.

May: Ugh... Fuck.... Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuucckkk!

April:(in the other room) Sis, could you please not be so loud when you're... "Playing". I Don't want Jason to hear from you.

May: Uh-huh...

Quickly, May pulled up her pants and got her shirt back on then stood back up and stared at Jason.

May: You scared the shit out of me!

Baby (Y/n): Heh...

Jason was then picked up by May who quickly noticed he was the only thing in there.




May: So my precious little nephew, where did you put aunty May's toy?

Baby (Y/n): Mwahahahaha!

May:... You've officially scarred me for life.

May: I don't think I can even mas-

Neighbor:(in the distance) Betsy!!

Curious, May peaked her head out the window with Jason in her arms.

There she witnesses what revenge Jason enacted upon the dog with May's toy.

May: That dog isn't walking for a week...

May: Did you...?

Baby (Y/n): Mwahahahaha!

With a laugh that sent shivers down her spine, she then took her nephew to his mother.

May: April!


April: You found Jason!

May: April, I need you to hear this.

May: Jason-

Baby (Y/n): F...


April: Damn it, he's trying to say father as his first words!

April: Say, mommy, Jason. Say it!

May: A-

April: Not now, this is important.

April: M...

Baby (Y/n): F... F...

April: Nono! Mo...mmy... You can do it.

Jason opened his mouth and April waiting with excitement to hear his first words, hoping desperately it would be "mommy"

Baby (Y/n): F... F...

April: Come on...

May: Just spit it out.

Baby (Y/n): Fuck!


That simple little word that came out of her child's mouth was enough to make April immediately turn pale while also falling to her knees.


May:(awkward chuckle)

May: W-where d-did he learn that? haha...

Baby (Y/n): Fuck!

April: Urk!

Baby (Y/n): Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Each time April heard that word come out of his mouth, she felt her soul leave her body more and more.

April: Fuck.... That's my child's first word...

May: Uhhh... Connor?! Your baby mama needs you!

As Connor arrives, April slowly gets up.

Connor: What's wrong?


Without saying a word, April grabbed Jason and handed him over to his father.

April: May....(cracks knuckles)

May: Yeah...?

April: Did you find Jason in your room?

May:... Maybe.

April glared at her older sister with a burning furry.

May had trouble looking at April, to her, it felt like she was staring directly at the sun.

April is for the most part an extremely nice and forgiving person, however, there are times where she has given in to her dark side.

May has seen the small handful times she had become like this, because of this knowledge, she knew exactly what to do.


April: May!!

May: This day keeps getting worse!

Baby (Y/n) simply laughed maniacally as he watched his mother chase his aunt.

Connor: You're going to be a little trouble maker when you grow up, aren't you?

Baby (Y/n):(evil giggle)

Connor:(sigh).... They're not helping.

He says as he watches his wife chase his sister in law around the house while shouting.