Welcome to America

3rd person POV:

Slowly waking up, Jason opened his eyes yet barely saw anything. Only a bit of light passed through the little crevices in the wooden crate he was in.

He didn't see much, but he felt much.

There was a dreadful heat that made him sweat.

Along with that, there was a weight on top of him.

(Y/n): Ugh...

Jason attempted to push off the weight but when he felt something soft he became confused.

(Y/n): Eh?

Leona: What are you doing, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Trying to push you off me.

(Y/n): Wait, how did you know it was me? I can't even see you.

Leona: Out of the four of us, only you and I have abs.

(Y/n): Stop touching me!

Leona: Stop grouping me!

(Y/n): Don't tell me what to do!

Leona: Tch...

Leona: We need to figure out how to get out of here.

(Y/n): Easy.

Punching the top of the box, he punched a hole in the crate.

(Y/n): Okay... I was expecting to punch the whole lid off.

Leona: Let me try.

Twisting around, she made things slightly awkward but when she faced the top, Leona attempted to kick the lid off only to kick her legs through it.

Leona: This wood is weak as shit!

(Y/n): To hell with this, let's just break the whole thing.

Leona: Right.

The two began swinging wildly, creating more and more holes in the creat until it eventually crumbled.

Now free, (Y/n) was able to get a good look at Leona, who sported a pair of black jeans with matching gloves and a sports bra.

What was eye-catching was the belt around her waist that seemed to be made out of large bullets.

Leona: Where the fuck are we?

Taking a look around, they seemed to be in some sort of desert.

Around them was another box and nearby a road with no vehicles in sight.


A sudden realization came upon Jason. He was no longer wearing his jacket.

(Y/n): Eh?

(Y/n): Where is it!? Where is my jacket!?

Checking the wreckage of the creat he and Leona were in, Jason failed to find his jacket.

(Y/n): Grrr...

Since the jacket wasn't in that creat, he checked the other by smashing it open, causing Anna and Marcus to awaken.

Marcus: Wha-what happen!? Where am I!?

Leona: You were probably knocked unconscious like the rest of us then stuffed into that creat.

Marcus: Eh!?

Anna: B-but, where are we?

Leona: I'm not sure.

(Y/n): Son of a bitch!

(Y/n): It's not here!

Anna: What's not?

(Y/n): My jacket...

Turning to look at his companions, Jason sees Marcus's along with Anna's new outfits.

Marcus had ditched his hat, revealing his slightly dyed red hair. Now he wore an orange sweater under a black jacket.

Anna had put her hair into pigtails and wore a different set of glasses. Besides that, she wore quite a fancy outfit. A redshirt that had fluff going down the middle, but only the upper part was visible, the lower part was covered by a black girdle-like piece of clothing that went around her waist and led to her short skirt which helps reveal the high socks that covered her legs.

Marcus: Forget about your jacket, we have more pressing matters to attend to!

Marcus: Where in the middle of nowhere. I can't find my phone and I'm guessing none of you either have a phone.

(Ring ring ring)


Reaching into his pocket, (Y/n) pulls out a black phone which wasn't his.

Reading the caller ID, he saw "Grandma" was calling. Answering it, he put it on speaker.

(Y/n): New phone, who the fuck is this?!

Evelyn:(on phone) Your grandmother.

Leona: The same one May warned you about?

(Y/n): Guess so.

(Y/n): Is this your doing, you old hag?

Evelyn:(on phone) Not entirely. My plan was to just bring you but your granduncle had a better idea.

(Y/n): I have a granduncle? God damn it, why can't you old people just die already, haven't you lived long enough?

(Y/n): Who even is my granduncle.

Evelyn:(on phone) He's the leader of Rum.


Marcus: Here we go again...

Leona: Tch...

Evelyn:(on phone) Allow me to explain your situation.

Evelyn:(on phone) I'd like to have a family reunion, sadly you're in the Sonoran desert while I'm in Chicago.

Evelyn:(on phone) So be a dear and make your way here.

Evelyn:(on phone) On your way you might also meet the four captains of Rum. They'll give you a hand.

(Y/n): What's stopping me from saying "fuck this shit", and going home?

Evelyn:(on phone) Don't you want to see your grandmother?

(Y/n): If only to turn her into a vegetable.

Evelyn:(on phone) I thought as much... You have two reasons to come.

Evelyn:(on phone) One is that your friends have been injected with a poison.


Evelyn:(on phone) They have one year until they die, plenty of time for you all to get here and get the antidote.

(Y/n): Listen here you old hag, they-

Evelyn:(on phone) Are the reason you'll play by the rules.

Evelyn:(on phone) The reason you'll come here is that I have your precious jacket.


(Y/n): You're playing with fire, bitch.

Evelyn:(on phone) I will when I burn the jacket.

(Y/n): Not if I kick your old ragged ass first!

Evelyn:(on phone) Think about attacking me once you find me.

Evelyn:(on phone) Until then... Just follow the map.

Evelyn:(on phone) One more thing... Welcome to America.

She hangs up, and a map pops up on the phone.

Everyone was silent at all the information. The Hellspawn slowly clenched his fist in absolute anger.

Marcus: Well shit!

Anna: What are we going to do?

(Y/n): We're going to Chicago, burn Rum to kingdom come to find that bitch, and make her cure you all and give back my jacket.

Anna: You want to go to war with Rum? Why?

Leona: It's obvious. If his granduncle has been voted to be the new leader of Rum, then they're obviously going to be a problem.

Marcus: Didn't she also mentioned that the Rum captains are going to meet us?

(Y/n): Enough talk. Rum will burn, the hag will break, end of story.

Tossing the phone to Anna who fumbles with it a bit before catching it, he says...

(Y/n): You're on map duty. Lead the way.


She takes lead with the other three walking after her.

The Hellspawn gang was now on the path to take down Rum.