The Chicago Phoenix

3rd person POV:

(Y/n) and his companions were nearing the windy city when they received a call.

Already knowing who it was, (Y/n) answered with an annoyed sigh.

(Y/n): What do you want

Evelyn:(on phone) To check up on you. You never call.

(Y/n): I hate words. Violence is more fun.

Evelyn:(on phone) If only everyone was as fluent as you are in violence, I'd make a killing.

Evelyn:(on phone) Anyway, besides enjoying your fight with that wall of muscle, I came to tell you what to do next.

(Y/n): Ugh... There are more things I have to do?

Evelyn:(on phone) Stop complaining, you sound like a child.

(Y/n): Stop bitching me, you sound like a bitch.

Evelyn:(on phone)...(sigh)

Evelyn:(on phone) (mumbles) You had one job April... Did I teach you nothing about being a mother...?

(Y/n): What the hell did you just say!?

Evelyn:(on phone) That I love you, my grandson.

(Y/n): That's what I thought- Hey, wait!! Take that back, you useless prostitute!

Evelyn:(on phone) We've strayed from the topic at hand.

Evelyn:(on phone) You want your jacket? There are four locations.

Evelyn:(on phone) There is a ticket in each of them. One for you and the other three for your friends.

Evelyn:(on phone) Get them, get dressed nicely, then we'll meet up.

(Y/n): What's with this scavenger hunt BS? Let's just end this-

(Click, beeeeeeeeep)

(Y/n):..... I hate her so much...

Arriving at a bar in Chicago, (Y/n) gets out of the car and tells his companions...

(Y/n): I'll get the ticket here. You three go get the other three.

Leona: You sure?

(Y/n): I'm sick of playing her games. There sickeningly boring.

(Y/n): I want this to end as soon as possible.

Marcus: Strategy... Cool.

(Y/n): Now get moving, we're burning daylight!

His companions then drive off in search of the other tickets.

The Hellspawn wasted no time. Kicking open the bar door, every drinker in the establishment turned their heads towards him.

(Y/n): I'm looking for a ticket. I ain't leaving till I get it.

Everyone in the bar looks at each other. (Y/n) simply cracks his knuckles.

The companions in the meantime we're dealing with the other three tickets.

Meanwhile in the headquarters of Rum. Adam and Evelyn observed (Y/n) along with his companions with drones and cameras that followed them.

Evelyn was more focused on filling a syringe with a liquid but she was able to still listen.

Adam: Remember when you got pregnant? You called me and tried to explain how this was a "calculated move" when you really, fucked up.

Evelyn: I was annoyed with the slight derailment of my plans but in the end...

Evelyn: I did realize my mistaken way of thinking. Children are a blessing.

Adam: Yeah yeah. I was just thinking if you knew what your grandchild would be, you would have shut up and made more kids.

Evelyn: Okay...?

Evelyn: Not entirely false, but what brought this line of thinking along brother?


Adam: Been watching sitcoms lately. I like the uncle's characters.

Evelyn: So in your old age you've become sentimental and now wish you played the uncle roll in your niece's life?


Adam: Quit psychoanalyzing me. Unlike when we were kids, I can play that game too.

Evelyn:(sigh)... It's done.

With a syringe filled with a drug she made, Evelyn walks up to her twin brother who raises his sleeve.

Evelyn: This dose should last longer.

Adam: Lovely.

She injects the drug into him.

Adam:(heavily inhales)

Adam: Ah...

Evelyn: How do you feel?

Adam:(smiles) Like I'm in my prime and then some.

Adam: Time for a workout.

Making his way to the arena where he and an audience would watch brutal battles, he saw three guys about to brawl.

Grabbing a microphone, he shouted out loud.

Adam: I need a good workout. So I hope you don't mind me stealing the show!

Tossing the mic to the side, he grabbed the black fur coat on his shoulders and dropped it to the floor.

Jumping into the arena. The three opponents stared at him.

The first guy rushed up to Adam and threw a sloppy punch which the leader of Rum easily caught.

Pulling the fist closer, he caused the guy to fall face-first into his elbow strike that knocked the young lad back.

The other two then decided to team up. They approached the old man who didn't seem worried at all.

The two then both roundhouses kicked Adam who took the hits with ease. Not even a flinching, he smirked wickedly.

Adam:(wicked smile)

He spun around to face the guy on his left. Using the momentum of his spin along with his augmented strength, he kicked the side of the young lad's knees, breaking it with ease.

Turning around, he faced the last guy.

The guy slowly walked back but Adam slowly walked forward.

Eventually, the young guy walked into the arena.

Adam then quickly closed the distance between him and the young guy.

First, Adam slammed his arms on the sides of the guys head, putting him into a daze.

After that Adam swung his arms three times, landing three punches. The first punch broke the guy's nose, the second punch shattered his teeth and the third knocked him completely out cold.

Adam:(evilly) Mwhahaha!


Evelyn looked down at the arena with an almost sorrowful expression.

Evelyn: Good grief...

She grabs herself a drink and continues her research.

Meanwhile with the companions of (Y/n).


Leona: That was a pain in the ass...

Anna: Leona, you're so cool.

Leona: Heh, thanks.

Marcus: Well we got three of the tickets. Let's see if (Y/n) got his.

Making there way back to the car they were surprised to find suits and dresses inside the car ready for them.

Leona: Oh god, I have to wear a dress?

Marcus: Let's deal with this after we pick up (Y/n).

The drive wasn't long but when they arrived they found the bar completely trashed.

(Y/n) was leaning against the bar with a ticket.

(Y/n): What took you so long?

Marcus: We had three you had one!

(Y/n): Excuses!

Entering the car, he sees the dresses and suits.

(Y/n): Ugh... I'm not wearing a suit.

(Bzzt bzzt)

Anna took out the phone to see there was a text message.

Anna: A text?

Leona: What's it say?

Anna: "You're going to wear it".


He punches the car window, shattering it.