Story Idea : Barry Khan's Diary

A/N : i am jxt gonna be posting story ideas for people who wanna write a story

Barry Khan is a stunning, curvy and clever mechanic from Europe. His life is going nowhere until he meets Doris Jolie, a short, slim woman with a passion for booze.

Barry takes an instant disliking to Doris and the cowardly and selfish ways she learnt during her years in Ireland.

However, when a shark tries to prod Barry, Doris springs to the rescue. Barry begins to notices that Doris is actually rather noble at heart.

But, the pressures of Doris's job as a lawyer leave her blind to Barry's affections and Barry takes up star gazing to try an distract herself.

Finally, when rude housekeeper, Dick Trescothik, threatens to come between them, Doris has to act fast. But will they ever find the hot love that they deserve?