Melchester High school

A/N hello this i snot my story it is my friend story i am advertising her story , you can go check her account on wattpad @loli87rock, though i tweeked the story


Hi there my name is Aurora , i am from California , I am a Gemini , i am not to old , not to young and i have a little sister named Violet , this is my Life story no joking with it.Hope you enjoy my story

𝖝𝖔𝖝𝖔𝖔 <3<3<3<3

𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂


First day

Ugh! i hate waking up at 3am, Mum. Oh! hi there , I didn't introduce myself .My name is Aurora Smith.Today is my first day in Melchester High .Okay now i have to start my morning.Please come along and we would start .Okay umm where in the world is my toothbrush , I said.

"Violet , Violet where in the world did you keep my brush?" , asked my little sister "It's in dubia dummy " she responded back , UH! "Please i need my brush my mouth reeks " i said fustrated "It's in the box "She responded , i didn't even bother to say thank you , sometimes have younger siblings is an additional chaos to your life , I brushed my teeth and took my bath. No i smell *sniff* *sniff* fresh.

Now what to wear hmmmm, i have to look **Sparkly** , i searched through my wardrobe though it wasn't easy because my wardrobe is a jungle i found the perfect outift *angelic voice singing* , i wore black biker shorts , with black longsleeve crop top and a black chanel bag with an airforce and black socks , I looked gorgeous i applied little makeup just lipgloss , brush my eyelahes and brows and little concealer , and let my hair pour and wore a blak bucket hat , always looking natural.

I went down stairs and was met with my mum , preparing my favourite dish pancakes , YUM my favourite , i was very happy i ate and stuffed my stomach forgetting i hd school that morning .My mum called me that i was late for school i dashed out and went to the car my dad bought for me , and drove to school.

I arrived at the school wowed at the size it looked so beautiful but more steps i took into the school i became more nervours , so many thoughts ran through my head , What types of friends will i make , am i going to make friends , Am i going to have a boyfrined , am i going to fit in , who is going to be my bully or someone who despiices me , how will my grades me ...Oh my problematic life