
The Kid:

Appearing out of thin air, I land on the roof of my home, an abandoned gas station, everything from the sign that displays the prices to the gas pumps to the building itself all covered in layers of rust and dust.

Walking to the ledge, I stop to sit down, my legs hanging over the side. As I sit down, I start to look up at the sky. It is blue and cloudless.

"Two years," I say to the sky. "Two years since I woke up in that alleyway. So much had changed since then, yet so little."

Lowering my head, I look back at the ground. My gas station is surrounded from all sides by the sandy desert. Seeing some rocks in the desert, I use my telekinesis power to make them float toward me. Catching them, one by one, I juggle the three of them. Shaking my fingers, I make them float around and hit each other. As I do, I think back to what that robber said.

"What are you," he asked, the question reminding me of all my failed attempts to find out who I am.

"Why can't I find anything about myself," I ask. "I searched for two years, non-stop. No sleep, no food, no rest. Just searching all over for anything, but always coming up empty."

Flashbacks of knocking out Peter and Chris and unfolding the papers I had in my pockets, only to see that they are blank pieces of paper come back to me. Memories of going through missing person pictures, hoping that one would look like me and give me a name shoot through my mind.

I snap out of my trance and grab one of the rocks. Tossing it as far as I can, miles away, the rock going quite the distance, I grab another one from the desert.

"And these powers," I say, staring at my hands. "How did I get them? Where did they come from? I can do so much. I can move things with my mind. I can teleport almost anywhere I want. I can even shoot both fire and ice from my bare hands."

With my free hand, I summon a block of ice before casting it aside to summon a small blaze.

"That is not normal. That is not a normal thing people can do. So how can I do it? I am not a normal person."

I toss a second rock, this one going a little further than the last. I do this over and over again, using my power to pick up rocks and throw them.

"With no memory of who I am or even where I come from here, I am lucky to have found this old gas station just outside the city. After two years of living here, I still have not seen anyone drive by. Just how I like it."

About to throw more rocks, I instead stop and let all the rocks I have gathered fall to the ground. Looking around once more, I summon the black mist to teleport me into the boarded-up station. Landing right into my chair, only one of the many things I have found and brought from all over the city, I sink into it.

With my mini-fridge on the other side of the room, I use my telekinesis to pull it toward me. Still using it to open the fridge, I mentally grab a can of soda and bring it into my hand.

I let out a sigh and was about to take a sip when, all of a sudden, I stop. I hear something incoming.

"What is that sound," I ask, putting the soda back and going up to a wall. Putting my ear against it, I close my eyes and listen.

"It sounds like an engine. A car engine? No, that cannot be right. No one drive here. This is a forgotten road. There is no way that can be a car engine.

I listen more closely, but I need to know. Pushing myself off of the wall, I teleport back onto the roof. Dropping onto the ledge, I cover my eyes and scan the surrounding area.

"It is a car," I say, seeing a small, red car driving only a few miles away. "What is a car doing all the way out here? Is it lost, or are they looking for something specific? Maybe they are here for a place to set up a shop? No, that cannot be right. This whole place is empty. There are no customers. They have to be lost, but I have to be sure."

Taking in a deep breath, I teleport onto the car.


"We're lost," I say, lending back in my seat and looking around. "Just admit it, Diana. We're lost."

"We are not lost," Diana replies, her eyes completely on the dirt road ahead. "This is a new way to Ian's house."

"I seriously doubt that," I say. "I mean, look around. There isn't anything for miles around. Nothing but sands."

I open the window to feel a refreshing breeze but instead get hit by a burning hot wind. As I close the window, I look up at the car's ceiling.

"Hey D," I say, "Did you hear that? It sounds like something on the roof.

"I didn't hear anything," Diana replies, pulling out her phone. "Come on Aileen. Help me out here. Type in Ian's address."

"So I was right," I laugh, snatching D's phone. "We are lost. Don't worry about it. I won't rub it in. I will however let you do the explaining as to why we're two hours late to Ian's house."

Again, I hear something on the roof again.

"I'm telling you D," I say, elbowing D in her shoulder. "I'm hearing something on the roof. Come on, pull over."

The Kid:

Adjusting myself while on top of the speeding car, I look through the roof and directly into the mind of the driver. A thin girl with orange hair, she is wearing a tank top and shorts.

"Diana Fatan," I say, learning her name. "21 years old, work as a waitress at a bar. Currently lost and is trying to find an 'Ian Haddy's' house. Just as I thought. This car is just lost."

I notice there is someone besides the driver. Slightly shorter than Ms. Fatan, she had long black hair pulled into a ponytail and is wearing a pale blue shirt with long jeans.

As I try to read her mind, my vision becomes blurry. My arms start to shake, and an odd yet familiar pain creeps into my head.

"I know this," I moan, placing my hands on my head. "It is the same from before. From two years ago. What is going on?"

The pain is getting worst, and before I know it, it becomes too much to handle. I look at the sky to scream.


"What in the world," I yell, hearing someone screaming. Diana also hearing it, slams on the brakes. As she does, a body drop in front of us, hitting the hood of the car before sliding off.

"Oh my god," I say, covering my mouth with my hands. "What happened? Where did that guy come from? Is he dead?"

"I don't know," Diana shouts. "I don't know. Come on, let's get out of here."

"What? No, we can't just leave him. He may still be alive."

"If he is, then he's going to sue the heck out of us. And if he isn't, then we're killers. Let's just go. No one around. No one here. Let's go."

Diana backing up, I push open the door.

"Aileen," Diana says.

Outside now, I run to the man's side. Only, it's not a man but more like a teenager, like Diana and me.

The teen is laying on his back, not moving at all. Kneeling beside him, I place my ear to his chest.

"No," I say, hearing nothing.

Panicking now, I think of what to do. With no real option, I pinch his nose and kiss him.

"Aileen," Diana screams, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"No," I yell, breaking free and giving him one last breath before Diana wraps her arms around me and pulls me away.

The Teenager:

Feeling a sudden rush of energy, like something had just charged me with power, I shoot open my eyes and get up.

"What," I scream, looking all over. "What? What?

A scream getting my attention, I find myself a few feet from the two girls from before, Diana's arms wrapped around the one with black hair.

"Uhh," I think, thinking of what I know about conversations "Hello."

Thinking of something better, I shoot out my hand.

"You will forget all about this," I start, "You will forget about all of this and you will leave. You will get back in your car, drive away, and never ever come back here. You will also forget about me. I am no one to you two."

"I will forget about you," Diana repeats, letting go of her friend. "You are no one to us. I will get back into my car, drive away, and leave forever."

Turning away, she, and she alone, walk back to the car. Meanwhile, the black hair girl stays, staring at me. Trying again, I wave my hand at her.

"You will forget about all of-."

Before I can finish, the girl slaps me across the face.