The Car Trick


I can't be sure what I've just heard.

"Did Alfred just offer to help A? Why would he do that? Why would Alfred offer to help A and me?"

I can't be sure but I think I just stood there with my eyes wide open. The only thing I can be sure of is that after Alfred clapped his hand in front of me, I could move and talk again.

"Alieen," Alfred says, clapping his hands in front of me again. "Hello? Are you okay? Are you doing this?"

"No," A says, shaking his head. "Strangely, Alieen seems immune to my powers."

"Wait, immune? What does that mean? She's immune to your powers?"

"Uhh," A starts, "It means I cannot use my powers on Alieen. Well, I cannot use some of my powers on Alieen. I cannot seem to read her mind."

"You can read minds," Alfred shouts. "Okay. If I'm going to help you two, then there are some conditions. One, do not read my mind. In fact, don't read anyone's mind. Mind reading is very rude."

"I cannot make any promise," A replies, "But I will try my best. I do not try to read minds, but sometimes, I have to."

"In what situation is mind reading required?"

"When one is lost and needs to find the public library."

Alfred is about to say something but I stop him.

"Okay, okay, okay," I say, getting in between A and Alfred and spreading out my hands. The two staying quiet, I turn toward Alfred.

"Alfred, we really appreciate the offer, we do, but for now, I think it would be for the best if I just try and figure this out by myself."

"Why," Alfred asks. "Why can't I help? I mean, do you even have a plan?"

I open my mouth to say something but I don't hear a single word. My mind goes completely blank as I tried to think of an answer.

"You got nothing," Alfred says, "Do you?"

"No," I say with a sigh. "No. I don't have a plan. I don't really know what to do next."

"Here's an idea," Alfred suggests, putting up a finger. "Ask for help. I mean, besides you and me, there's also Matt and Leia. They can help us too."

"No," I say. "No. I don't want to drag Matt or Leia into this. I still think it's bad you know about A."

"Uhh," A says. Alfred and I turn to see A stepping forth while putting up a finger. "I do not know if this is the right time or not, but Matt already knows."

"What," I shout, staring at A. "What do you mean Matt already knows? How does Matt already know? A, what did you do?"

"Nothing," A replies. He steps back and rises his shaking hands. "Nothing at all. Well, I did accidentally use my power on Matt. I blasted him off the stairs."

"What," Alfred and I shout.

I slap A on the top of his head. I don't know if A felt it or not, but he still flinches and rubs his head.

"Why did you do that? A!"

"Like I said," A starts, "It was an accident. Anyway, immediately afterward, I healed Matt. He is fine. He is okay, but he does know of my abilities."

"So that means the only one that doesn't know about A is Leia. Why don't we tell her? I mean, at this point, why not? Already three out of the four of us already know."

I lower my head and sigh.

"Alfred, I told you. I don't want any of you to help me."

"Why not?"

"Because this, all of this, is dangerous, and I don't want to put any of you in danger! Alfred, just a few days ago, someone else with powers picked me up and carried me away."

"Wait, wait, wait. Someone else? Did you just say someone else? Who?"

"I don't know. The person was basically a giant shadow. He or she or it was just one big black blob."

"And this mysterious blob just kidnapped you and carried you away? He, she didn't do anything else?"

I clear my throat while patting my pockets.

"No," I say.

"So just to be clear," Alfred says, counting off his fingers. "A had a lot of special abilities, but he had no memory of himself from before."

"Yes," I say.

"You're trying to help him."


"And the reason why you don't want me, Matt, or Leia to help the two of you is that it's dangerous on account of the fact that a mysterious shadowy blob kidnapped you. I'm not missing anything, right?"

"Uhh, no. Not really."

Alfred nods his head before pulling out his cell phone and putting it to his ears.

"What are you doing," I ask.

"I'm calling Matt and Leia," Alfred answers. "They need to know about this."


I rush ahead to try and grab Alfred's phone and he steps back while shooting out his arm and keeping me at bay.

"Alieen," Alfred says, running around the corner and trying to stay away from me. "Alieen, you need to stop this."

"What are you talking about?"

I chase after Alfred but he was using the car trick. The one where, since there's something between us, all Alfred had to do is run in the same direction to avoid me catching him.

"Matt," Alfred says, still running around. "Hey, are you free? You're free, right? Okay, get back here now! Group meeting!"

"No," I shout, trying to be louder than Alfred. "Matt, no group meeting! No group meeting!"

"See ya," Alfred says, ending the call. With a swipe of his finger, he starts to call Leia. I can hear the dial tone.

"Oh no," I say. Thinking fast, I jump and climb over the counter.

"Leia," Alfred screams, stepping back as I swipe at him. "Leia, hope you're not busy! Group meeting now! See you soon!"

With that, Alfred hangs up the call. Still swiping at Alfred, my hand slips and I fall off the counter.

"Alieen," Alfred says, trying to grab me. However, he's too late. I fall on the kitchen floor.

"Alieen," Alfred says again, kneeling beside me. "Are you okay?"

He tries to offer me his hand but I slap it away.

"No I am not okay," I answer. "Alfred, why did you do that? I told you I don't want any of you involved in this."

"There you go again," Alfred says, getting off his knee to step up. "Trying to do everything yourself. Well, too bad."

He points at me with a stern finger.

"Not this time. Not this time, Alieen This time, we're all helping, and you know why? It's because you brought A here. You brought A here and it affected all of our lives. Not just yours. I'll see you two later."

With that, Alfred leaves both the kitchen and me still on the floor.