An Empty Bed


"Are you sure we should not go up there," I ask, looking at Matt and Alfred. "I mean, are you positive it is right for us to leave her?"

"Yes," Matt shouts while putting out a pizza from the microwave. He sets the pizza down on a plate before carrying it over to the kitchen counter where Alfred is eating hamburger after hamburger. Alfred only stops for a minute to put fries and chicken nuggets in his hamburger before taking a massive bite. Matt and I look at him as half a nugget is hanging out.

"What," he asks after hitting his chest and swallowing. "I'm nervous. Okay? Leia is gone somewhere, and Alieen is lying to us for some reason!"

Alfred tries to take a sip from his soda cup but all we hear is ice cubes and air. Sighing as he shakes the empty cup, Alfred places the empty cup with the others. He then reaches for his phone.

"Alfred," Matt says, taking Alfred's phone away from him. "No! You already ordered more than half the menu from McDonald's."

Matt points at all the empty boxes and wrappers on the kitchen counter. The whole counter is covered in them.

"No more," Matt declares, stepping back when Alfred tries to take his phone back. "No more! Garage day is three days away and already, our trashcan is filled. I don't even know where we can put all of this."

"Come on, Matt," Alfred cries out with a mouthful of meat, lettuce, and buns. "Let me eat while I try to figure things out."

"Perhaps you should finish eating this before ordering more food," I suggest, pointing at all the extra burgers, fries, and what I am told is called McFlurries. When I offered the suggestion, Matt and Alfred stop eating suddenly. They both raise their heads and look at me.


Alfred grabs a napkin and wipes his mouth. He swallows his mouthful before speaking.

"Maybe this is wrong to say," he starts, "But you know, all of this started because of you A."

"What," I say, not believing what Alfred had just said. The second I hear those words, it feels like someone had just shoved me out of my own body. I have to fight my way back in so I can speak again. "Wha-What are you talking about?"

"Yeah," Matt says while snapping his fingers. "I mean, I'm sorry A, but ever since you came here, our lives have been getting weirder and weirder. Before you came, it was just the four of us. We lived together in peace. There was no issue. At least, no big issue. Now, with you here, it's a completely different story. Leia's missing, Alieen is lying to us, something she had never done, and, apparently, there's another Superman out there who is strangely friendly to us."

"Hey," I shout, slamming my fist onto the counter. As I do though, I accidentally break off a small part of it. I look shamefully at the hole in the counter as I raise my fist. This time, I gently slam my open hand on the counter.

"Now it was all of you that wanted to help us," I start, looking Matt and Alfred right in their eyes. "Alieen never wanted any of you to help but you did. Listen, I do not know what is going on. I do not know where Layafette is or why Alieen lied to us. If I could tell you, then please believe me when I tell you I would tell you. But despite my powers, despite everything I can do, there are still so things I cannot."

With that said, I step back with both of my hands in my pocket.

"But if it will help," I say with a sigh. "Then I will leave."

Prepare to walk through the front door, I eye the hole in the counter.

"I will fix that later," I say with a nod as I walk toward the front door. Matt and Alfred put down their dinner but they do not stop me. They only watch as I grab the front door and open it. I look at the two once more before closing the door. Walking down the stair and a little down the street, I stop.

"I cannot go back to the gas station yet," I think to myself, looking up at the night sky. "There is something I must do."

I decide on a plan first before jumping and flying into the sky.


As I lay in my bed, my blanket over my head, I peek out and stare at Leia's empty bed. No matter how many times I replayed it in my head, I still can't explain it.

"I saw Leia flying. She jumped off a building but instead of hitting the ground, she instead took off and fly away. And that's only one thing. Apparently, my best friend, my roommate, the person I have been sharing a bedroom with, can control shadows. She can also heal bruises and cuts like they're nothing. Why did she hide that from us? What does she know that A doesn't know? What is she? What is A? How many more of them are there?"

I ask myself so many questions, my head starts to hurt. It feels like my brain is pushing against the inside of my head with every question, and soon, it reaches its limit.

I cry out as I turn around, away from Leia's empty bed. I stare at my wall and ceiling instead. However, even with the blank ceiling, Leia is still screaming inside my head.

"I have to go now," Leia said, "But know this. If you or any of the guys, and I'm not including A, need my help, I'll be there."

These were Leia's last words.

"We need you," I say. "Come on Leia. We need you. I need you. I need you to tell me what's going on."


"Is something wrong," Jacob asks.

"What," I say, turning my head back from the window. I clear my throat and look at the fries and milkshakes between the two of us. "No. No, there's nothing wrong."

"You know you can't lie to me," Jacob says as he reaches down to grab a french fry. Throwing the fry into his mouth, he stares at me.

"Right," I say, "Sorry. It's just, I thought I sense something out there for a second."

"Another one of your human friends," Jacob sighs. "Leai, I told you. We all told you it was dangerous to be down here for so long. If we stay down here too long, then we start to form connections with the humans, and you know we can't do that."

"I know, I know," I repeat. I only stop to take a sip of the chocolate milkshake. As I drink my milkshake through my straw, I lean back and smile.

"I still can't believe you convinced me to meet you here," Jacob says with a small laugh. He grabs another french fry and pops it into his mouth. "I mean, I know how bad this stuff is but I still can't get enough."

"Sadly," I add, "Unhealthy human foods are the best."

Jacob's small laugh quickly disappears. It's replaced with a serious look and tone.

"So it's really him," Jacob asks. "You really find him."

"Yeah, I did," I answer. "Thought, it seems he doesn't remember anything. He goes by A now, and is only using a faction of his powers."

"That's lucky," Jacob says. "That's really lucky. If only he knew the full extent of his power, we wouldn't be able to enjoy these delicious fries and milkshakes. It seems the fight between us and him wasn't a total loss."

"I wouldn't go that far. A may not be using his full power but he's still strong. Too strong for me to beat by myself. The only reason I was able to survive my fights with him is because of holy water."


With a fry in his hand, he taps it against the table.

"Do you want me to help?"

"I guess, at this point, I don't have a choice."