Early Morning


"Are we there," Matt asks. As soon as he asked that question, Alfred slaps him on the back of his head. "Ouch. What was that for?"

"Stop asking that," Alfred says. "We weren't there the first time you asked. We weren't there the second time. We weren't there the third or fourth time, and we're still not there."

"I'm only asking because we've been on the road for nearly two hours ago, and I swear, I swear, that is the third time I've seen that rock formation over there. Look. Look! Right there! It starts with a small rock, then onto a middle rock, and finally a big rock."

"You know," Alfred says, "Now that Matt mentioned it, I think he's right."

"Told you," Matt shouts before slapping Alfred on the back of his head.

"Ouch," Alfred cries before rubbing the back of his head. "Listen, Alieen. Are you sure you know which way you're going? From what you told us, you and Diana only stumbled upon A's gas station by luck. There were no signs or landmarks or anything to point him toward his home."

"I'm not going to keep telling you two," I start as I keep looking out the window at the almost pitch-black desert. "I know which way A's gas station is. Even if Diana and I only stumbled upon it by chance, I had a feeling I would come back to it so I made some mental notes. I just thought I would never I would come back for this reason though."

As the three of us keep driving through the desert road, Matt again starts to scream.

"Hey, hey, hey," he says, tapping the window. "Alieen! Alieen! Alieen!"

"What," I say, turning to look at Matt. "Matt, I'm driving. I can't look away from the road."

"Alieen, we're driving in the middle of the desert. Our car may be small but I think it will have a problem running over a cactus. Besides, you two, look over there."

Matt points out the window and Alfred and I see some bright lights not too far in the distance.

"What are those," Alfred asks. He pushes himself closer up to the window to try and gets a better look. "They look like lights."

"Oh god," Matt says, "I have this in movies before. We stumble upon something we shouldn't have, and now we're going to be hunted. Pick off one by one. Like that family in Alien Abduction."

"I think we already stumble upon something we shouldn't have," I whisper as I turn the car and head straight toward the light.


"I can create an opening in the firewall," I telepathically say to Leia. "When I do, I need you to fly out of here. Got it?"

"Absolutely not," Leia answers. "I am not leaving you here!"

"Leia, this is not up for discussion."

"Glad we're on the same page. You wouldn't leave me and I am not leaving you. That's not how we do things."

Leia looks me straight in the eyes. As I stare at her, I sigh.

"Sometimes, it's annoying being us. On my mark, fire a blast."

Leia nods her head and we both watch as A gets closer and closer toward us. With each step A takes, it feels like the fires on his hands are growing bigger and bigger. Despite the distance and the cold night air, I can still feel the immense heat.

"One," I whisper.

A, less than ten feet from us, holds out his hands in front of himself.

"Two," I think, giving Leia one last nod.

Though not as planned, A shoots out the fire from his hands. They head toward Leia and me.

"Thre--" I say but stop when I hear what sounds like a car pulling up. I turn my head and through the flames, I see a small red car.


"Guys," I think when I see the familiar red sedan. Through the intense flames and the dirty, unwashed windows, I can see as clear as day Alieen, Alfred, and Matt.

"It's them. What are they doing here? Seriously, what are they doing here! And now, of all times! Ahh!"

I don't even think. It feels like something had taken over my body and all of a sudden, I leave Jacob's side and run to my friends.

"Wait," Jacob says. "What are you--"

Before Jacob could finish, he is hit by A's hellfire blast. I only stop when I hear his scream from behind me. I turn around and see Jacob engulf by the fire. He screams as he falls to the ground.

"Nooo," I cry. Looking to the side, I use my telekinesis power to pick up some sand and throw it all over A. The sand doesn't stop the fire but it does distract A. A stops shooting and pulls back his hands. While he shields himself from the sand, I run over to Jacob who is still surrounded by little bits of hellfire.

I do my best to avoid the hellfire and pick up Jacob.

"Jacob," I say, looking at my friend. My friend is red and smoking. He's twitching and the only sound he can make are weak moans. "Jacob. Jacob! I am so sorry about this! I didn't mean to! I swear, I didn't mean to but, but--Ahh!"

I didn't know what to do. I have no idea what to do. I couldn't leave Jacob, but I couldn't leave my friends either. I felt trapped. I drop to my knees and watch as A approaches the two of us.


With a wave of my hand, I pick up all the sand in the air and throw it to the side. Now that I can see, I see Jacob and the shadow woman in front of me. Jacob seems unconscious. His eyes are closed and one of his arms is over the shadow woman's head. As for the shadow woman, she is on her knees, crying.

"The two are defeated," I think. "Now, they will answer me."

I close my hands as I approach the two. As I walk, I bring up one of my burning hands. About to shoot fire, I stop when I hear a familiar voice.

"A," someone shouts. "A! That is enough! Stop! Please, stop!"

It takes only a few seconds for me to recognize the voice. I turn and see Alieen, Alfred, and Matt. The three of them are all standing there, on the other side of the fire wall. The fire wall I somehow summoned. As I look at them, I see their eyes.

Alieen's, Alfred's, and even Matt's eyes are wide. I cannot be sure but I think they are terrified. They are scared of me.

"Just look at yourself now," Jacob said to me. I stop and look at my hands. There, I see a pair of burning hands. As I look at my hands, I feel a lump form in my throat. I swallow the lump and look around. As I look, I see my gas station, my home in ruin. The fence is torn. The signpost had fallen. The roof and gas pumps are destroyed, and worst of all, there was a fire wall all around my home.

"This," I say, stepping back. "This is not what I wanted. I do not want this."

I look back at the three. It seems they are frozen. I cannot be sure if they are frozen with fear or are just too confused to understand what is going on. Frankly, I do not know what is going on myself, but I do know this. I do not want this.

I take a breath and, with a wave of my hand, I make the fire wall disappears.

"How did I even do that," I ask, looking at my hand again. "I did not even know I could do that."

With the fire wall down, I walk right up to Jacob and the shadow woman. I pick up them and push them back.

"Get out of here," I say, pointing away from my ruined home. "Get out of here. Now!"

I do not have to say anymore. The shadow woman holds Jacob and flies away. As the two disappear, the sun rises. It blinds me and I hold my hand over my eyes. When I can see again, I see that the two are completely gone.