Chapter 5.

Authors POV.

1 Week later.

It has been 1 week and you were not back yet. Your father has called the police to find you,which is almost not possible. They can't find you when you...anyway,so how are they gonna find you now.

At school some children were confused, some un bothered,some happy. And well some worried. And in that 'worried' category it was Luce. Asher, Ben and Messy were kind of bothered and confused also, and Noah, well Noah was blank. No one knows what is he thinking and well what his reaction is.

Boys tried to ask his opinion on you disappearance and he just shrugged. The police has taken the school under custody for the while you are missing.

The police have guarded the school also, no one was allowed to enter without school card. Yeah, we are in kindergarten.

They think that you were kidnapped.


It was almost 7:39. When a girl in hoodie and sweatpants walk in the school gateway. Hood up, head down, slow weak painful walk.

Everyone quickly recognized it as you, police was still investigating when they heard low whispers of the students.

"That's Zelda parker. Hey Miss--" you cut them off rudely while walking away.

They grab your arm harshly."we are talking to you. Where---" the grip was tight enough to make you whimper in pain."get your hands off me." You shove their hands off of your arm harshly.

You sat on your knees still holding your arm. When Luce came yelling at me." El? What happened to you?"the rest of the boys came after shortly.

The officer again grabbed your arm,that too more harshly and started to drag you outside.

That was enough with you. You grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, kneed him into the stomach and then at his shin.

You again collapsed on the ground, "show is over go back to your classes. And you officer I'm back, my father has also seen me that I'm back you can go back." You sat and when You saw your father running towards you with your arms open for a hug.

"Dad, first tell the police to go back I'm back. Now." Your father looked at the officer and nod. He took the sign and walked off.

"Zel where were you? What happened to you?" You looked at you father and answered."I'm fine dad. You go back to you work."he grabbed you arm and you Winced in pain again.

"Wait what happened to your arm?" This time Noah asked.  You didn't even realized that the boys were here.

"Nothing. Let go the school is started." You walked off leaving the boys behind. Or you thought so.

Zelda's POV.

Noah grabbed my uninjured arm and dragged my to a nurse room.

"What are you doing let me go back to the class." He closed the door and sat me down on a high chair.

"Wait what are you doing who are you calling?" He glared at me.

"Luce guard up the nurse room from outside." Oh so he called Luce. Wait why guard the nurse room."hey let me out of here. Are you gonna rape me? RAPE RAP--" He slammed his hand on my mouth."shut up I'm not gonna rape you. I'm just gonna check you."

Without giving me a chance to comprehend Anything he ripped my hoodie off. Literally. The hoodie was torn from the middle now.

Thank god I was wearing a crop top. Bloody.

"Why the hell do you have blood on you? Are you fucking idiot? Or deaf?"

"You see that's not your bloody problem. And this... This is paint yeah paint." He looked at me with an stink eye. I looked away.

"WHY.DO.YOU.HAVE.BLOOD.ON?" He removed my hoodie fully off of my body,leaving me in nothing but a crop top. That too he was about to take off. "Wait I'm not wearing anything under it."

"Then tell me what happend to you arm? Your bloody top and where were you for 1 week."

I gulped. Wait why gulp why should I tell him? Out of all people why tell him?

"I'm not telling you shit. Who are you to inquire anything. Ahh"

You hiss in pain when you accidentally jerk your hand. Noah quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you outside. He turned around we he saw I was only in crop top and every one was watching me. He again glared at me and again dragged me back in the room. 

What's with him and dragging me everywhere. Geez.

He shoved his jacket in my hand.

Noah's POV.

"wear it."

"Im not going to wear it." She said stubbornly.

I grabbed the jacket and wrapped it around her shoulder, careful not to hurt her. I pick her up bridal styled and walk off the corridors.

"What the fuxk are you doing put me down this instant." She started to wriggle trying to you know get down.

She stopped when she saw I wasn't buying any of her wriggling. The boys were behind me murmuring among themselves.

We got into the car, she thought she could run away but before that I locked the doors.

She huffed in annoyance." Now start off by telling me every single thing."

She looked outside for s minute and then started"Umm... Someone shoot me." I cut her off"Zelda I said start".

"Okay... Actually there is this guy.... He is umm you know um...."

"Just tell me what he did?" I said not controlling my anger. How could he touch her.

"He tried to force himself on me. He is actually...." That was all to stop the car aggressively. Rage took over me.

"He touched! I mean he touched you and you do nothing. How did you have that bullet." I demanded.

Zelda's POV.

We settled in the car when he started to ask about all of it. But I'm not going to tell fuck.

After what I told him that "he" touched me he become possessive aggressive. Why?

"He touched! I mean he touched you and you do nothing. How did you have that bullet." He demanded.

"If I tell you what are you gonna do? You are in police or what?"

I chuckled. Trying to ease the temperature. He he.

"I'm. Noah knight.----"