WebNovelSaving Me.100.00%

Chapter 8.

"$he is thánatos. Worlds number one assassin and Criminal." Xavier continued."And that was i wanted you to know. she will contribute and help you know about the traitor."

just then the door swung open to reveal Reno and the guy who tried to shoot Noah."So,Why did you tried to shoot Noah?"

The guy was slightly taller than Reno but less bulkier than him. He have almost tanned skin with some olive brown eyes. His Hair was light colour of blonde but not exactly brown thou. He was wearing a tight black long sleeved shirt with a leather corset to protect him from the bullet.

"Noah? i didnt tried to shoot you. or more specifically i wasnt going to shoot You. I was gonna shoot her."

he pointed at me. His voice trembling under everyone's gaze."And why do you want to shoot me?"

"i dont know okay? it was simply an order."he quickly add." And dont ask who gave me i dont know." When he saw me opening my mouth for this question.

"do you think i will let you go?After you tried to shoot me?After giving me lame excuse?blah Blah Blah. You are right i wont." I fuxkin enjoy his trembling. Fuxk its fun.

i walked around the room and stood infront of him."Zelda. Can you not stand and do your painting in my office? please? i just got it cleaned." Xavier said. Still pinching his nose. Seriously dude, get a room, pick your nose.



before anyone could react to his saying i jabbed my Knife in his chest right below the joining of his collar bone. With my other hand i ripped his shirt, the knife still in the chest. The poor guy couldnt even register what happened with him cause i shoot him in his chest. Right fuxkin beside the knife and on the Heart.

The bullet didnt passed through his body due to the corset and his little bulky chest. But it was confirmed that he died. His eyes were wide enough for me to shove the knife from his chest into the corner of his eyes. Hard.

i heard some hiss at the back but i didnt care. I grabbed the knife again and then came back to his chest. I put the knife on the bullet hole and the dragged it roughly but firmly on his chest till his tummy button.

I dragged the knife back at the spot between the collar bones, i started to slash from there to his start of the armpit. Making it look like a T.

I was satisfied enough of my writing. So, i continued, i went to the center of the T and the draw two lines parallel to each other and the dug the knife deeper in his abdomen to make the center line of the H. I took the knife beside the H and then roughly wrote A, then went beside the A and wrote a Huge slash making a line deeper almost ripping his skin and showing his flesh.

I then connected the top withe knife again and then draw another line but a bit cursive one and then made another huge straight slash making it look like a N. I then made another A, unfortunately the chest and the stomach area was covered with these letters. So i have to rip his pants of too. No, dont worry not whole pants but just his V line,

dragging the knife over the v line's center and made yet another T. I then made a huge circle on his V line's bottom. Considering it a O, Then i ripped his left side pant, showing his underwear. I coloured his left leg in his own blood which was shed from his chest and other places, wrote a S.

i dusted my hands more o like rubbed my hands, to remove his nasty blood of off my hands.



turned around to look at everyone, staring- no let me rephrase it, gawking at me.

Hello? I know I'm pretty but staring make me uncomfortable.

"What?"they all look at me like I have done some kind of murder or something.

Well, kind of did.

"Zelda I told you, not in my office buddy."Xavier always called me buddy, sis or something convenient.

"Ooohhh, better luck next time." I said with excited expression and then changed them into blank one.

"So, you are thánatós?" Noah asked."The one and only!" I grinned.

"Boss, I traced the last call he got and--" just then the guys mobile rings.

Noah motioned Reno to pick up the call. "Jack! Where the fuck are you? Did you do your task? Boss is getting very impatient and you know when he is angry, All hell loose broke."

Someone chimmed from the phone quickly. "Jack? Hello?"

"Jack is dead. Now you tell me why do you want to kill me? And who do you work for? Who is he?"

Hearing some shuffling behind the phone, means that he is telling his boss about the news, heard a shot. Hmmm, means that he is dead. Finally giving me some satisfaction.

Then, we heard a very deep and husky, the bad breath, husky one voice."My, my isn't this the one and only thánatós. Huh?"

I grinned, everyone looking at me confused, but Noah well he was amused. I winked at him."The one and only. The one and onlyyyyy thánatós who can't be killed by some pussy's you just sent. Tch tch tch such a shame huh baby?"

I heard a sharp intake of breath. I mouthed Luce to record the call and trace it, and Ben, "Ben. You take his body and send him by courier to the address I tell you."

"Thánatós. You are going--" I interrupted him." Hey listen. I wanna ask where should I send you Christmas present?"

This must took him by surprise, cause there was a pause and chukling. "Why? you must be so desperate huh? Listen baby you can get laid any time you want but for me you need to--"

"Oh broo, you nice keep going. But sorry to burst your bubble princess, but I want to send a real bloody present to YOU."

I stressed upon the word princess, intentionally cause boys ego got so hurt when they got called princess or something girly. And boy, was this fun?

"Cat got your tongue?" I chuckled. "Listen the present will be sent to the club, Maria Soccer. It's a nice club. So collect your present there. Now back to the businesses now shall we? So, tell me who are you? And why do you wanna kill me?"

"Nice nice, any way. You don't need to know me. But hey, Spencer is very cute now isn't he?"

I could feel my hands trembling, rage taking over my senses. Before I could do anything, Xavier steps in the conversation.

"How do you know about Spencer? Who are you?" One think I like about Xavier that he is straight forward and don't beat around the bush, like me.


"Now now, what do we have here? Xavier, buddy I missed you too. That's not a nice way to greet someone now is it? Anyway." His voice becoming serious and cold, more huskier thou. "Now, stop wasting your time in asking me who am I? What happened today was just a reminder. The boy Noah Knights right? I know your are there little boy. I will say this one last time. STAY.THE.FUCK.AWAY.FROM.HER." He emphasize on each word.

"Or else Zelda the damage will be worth it. Stay away from him."

That was it. He cancelled the call. "Who the fuck is he? Who the fuck is Spencer?" Noah all but yelled. "Stop swearing pretty boy. And that is none of your--" Noah grabbed me by my waist and slammed me in his chest.

"That is fucking my business. Now speak up." He said in deep low voice, doing some work down there.

When I was about to speak another remark, my phone rang. It was an unknown so I ignored it. "Listen Noah. You--"

My phone rang again this time I picked it up. "What? Who is this?"

"I fucking said stay away from him. Get out of his arms. Right now ZELDA." I jump away from his arms.

"How do you know what I am doing? You installed cameras? Someone is working for you in this company. You are keeping an eye on me?"

I cautiously looked at everyone inhaling their reaction. Nothing look wrong thou.

"Zelda. How many times do I have to tell you stay away from him. And next time pick up the call on the first ring. And you don't need to know how I KNOW about you and your whereabouts."

With that being said he cut the call. "He was this guy's boss. He told me those same lame shits."