Chapter 5: She Messed Up


     This was the first time in years, she didn't feel like a monster. First time in years she felt warmth. First time in years, she felt human. Blaze melted in the warmth of this person whom she couldn't even see.


  Blaze's short lived comfort was broken by a loud gasp and an abrubt turn on of lights. The lights were not only shown in the staff's changing room but also on Blaze's life. The lights were a reminder of who she really was and where she belonged. She was a monster who definitely did not belong in somebody's arms.

       Blaze was immediately pushed aside by the one she was just kissing. Blaze lifted her head up to be met with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes, the sharpest jawline she ever saw in a female before. As a member of the biggest assassination out there she had punched a lot of jawlines in her life.

       "Ash, what are you doing with her?" Blaze heard the voice of a third person in the room. The voice of the woman who gasped and turned on the lights. Blaze turned around, following the gaze of the two beautiful blue eyes. Blaze was met with face to face with a woman wearing the exact same silver dress as her and top of it, she had the same shoulder length black hair.

      Blaze turned her head towards the woman she was just kissing and was immediately struck with regret. This woman's expressions clearly said 'Fuck! I messed up.'

       "Aliya... I... I... " This woman whose name was most probably as Blaze figured would be Ash said to the woman in silver dress. She was so baffled she couldn't even form sentences or perhaps that's how this person spoke when she was not in the mood for kissing someone.

       Blaze was being held by two pairs of confused eyes. One was the color of the deepest blue and the other was pitch black like her own. Even though Blaze's eyes spoke a different story altogether. Blaze couldn't take the load of this shitty day anymore, she started walking away, ignoring the 'Hey! Wait.' from the girl she just had her first kiss with and almost knocking off the silver dressed woman.


      According to Ash, Aliya felt much softer and smaller than how she looked not that Ash was complaining. Also, her kisses seemed much more inexperienced for someone who invites a stranger to meet for not very decent purposes.

      But all her doubts got cleared when someone turned on the lights in the staff's changing room and let out the loudest, shocked gasp she had ever heard. As a proud lesbian, Ash had heard many women gasp and had made many of them gasp.


       Ash looked at the person who turned on the lights and almost had a heart attack. It was Aliya! She was too shocked to look at the face of the girl she just kissed with so much passion.

       Anyhow she mustered up her nerves and looked below her to find a girl with delicate features, though she had a scar running down the left corner of her chin to the upper portion of her throat and her eyes we're pitch black just like Aliya's but something about her made her eyes seem darker or maybe Ash was just imagining things.

      "Ash what are you doing with her?" She was pulled back into her current embarrassing situation by the voice of Aliya. Then fear struck her with full swing almost draining out the embarrassment from her system.

     'What if this girl places charges on me?' Ash thought about all the consequences that placing charges on her would bring. Ash was regretting her every decision.

      In Ash's current state of mind she could only say, "Aliya... I... I..."

        That's when the girl whom Ash just kissed started walking away more like stomping away since she almost wanked Aliya on her chest.

       "Hey, wait!" Ash called out after her. She couldn't just leave this matter like this she had to atleast appologize and so she followed this girl who wore the same silver dress as Aliya.

       "Ash listen... " Aliya started speaking but was interrupted by Ash.

      "Sorry, I will talk to you later." Ash said and hurried behind the girl.

      "Hey! Easy there Ash. What's wrong?" Stephnie said as Ash bumped into her and tipped off her beer.

       "Dude I will tell you later. Have you seen a girl with silver dress walk away from her?" Ash asked Stephnie, breathless.

       "Yeah she was crying I guess, pretty girl I wonder..." Stephnie's voice faded away as Ash advanced towards the exit of 'Duck and Smile'



       Blade's phone rang as she sat with a huge coffee mug in her bedroom. She moved her hand over her maroon, silky bed sheet. She looked towards her white ceiling and signed. She felt heavy, not physically but emotionally. It was like the whole world was putting its empiness upon her. She shook her head to clear her mind of feeling this way. She always felt this way whenever she was alone.

      To save her from her own dooming thoughts, Blade's phone rang. She quickly pushed the green button without even checking whose call it was. She was damn sure it was Blaze. She must have been calling her to pick her up since Blaze had a completely different and horrifying experience inside a car. So, Blade always took the driving job.

       "Heya sweetie!" Blade said in her most cheerful voice. She always came up with weird nicknames to call Blaze. "Tell me... "

       Blade's voice dropped as she could hear sobing from the other side. Blade was immediately concern stricken. Blaze almost never cried but when she did, she was not someone to be left alone.

       "Blazeie what happened? Did you get hurt. Wait, let me pick you up. Stay there and don't do something stupid. Okay?" Blade said before hanging up on Blaze and rushing to put on a coat and slipping into boots.

        She then stopped in front of younger sister Alyssa's bedroom. She peeped inside it to find Alyssa completely asleep, the room was heavily lit because Alyssa's phobia from darkness revolved around the story of a monster. A monster who was finished by Blade herself.

       Before stepping outside her house Blade picked up another warm jacket for Blaze who most definitely would be freezing.


       'What has gotten into me? Why did I do it? Was I possessed?' Blaze was being attacked by the questions asked to her by her mind.


        She was embarrassed and disgusted at herself. How could she even think about being embraced like an ordinary person when she was clearly not one. She was a monster and monsters were not supposed to be loved. They were supposed to be feared and hated.

       The thing which Blaze feared the most was forgetting who she was and that's what she exactly did. She let out the Clara in herself and forgot for a moment that she was Blaze and no matter what she can never be Clara again. Clara was supposed to be locked inside her.

       She sat in a dark alley, hiding from the girl whose name was most probably Ash. She touched her cheek was scared to find it wet. She never cried. Blaze never cried. But Clara, she always did. Clara was the guilt Blaze felt while recieving an appreciation from Floyd on killing someone. Clara was the stupidity in her which made her want to believe in people. Clara was the dumbass in her who still wanted to seek love and find happiness.

       She didn't know what to do so she dialed Blade's number who would be as clueless as her but it was nice having someone as clueless as you with you.

       "Heya sweetie!" She heard Blade's voice from the other side and was attacked by jealousy. How easy it is for Blade to embrace herself. She didn't have to fight a battle with herself for everything she did. She did not have to lock up a part of herself. She started soning loudly this time without even try to hide it anymore.

         "Blazeie what happened? Did you get hurt. Wait, let me pick you up. Stay there and don't do something stupid. Okay?" She could hear Blade's concerned voice for herself.

         Blaze just wanted to get rid of Clara. She liked being powerful, she liked holding a gun in her hands, she liked it when people made up scary stories about W.I.P.E.O.U.T, she liked being a monster. She was a monster but Blade wasn't.

       Blaze stood up from her crouching position as she heard the screeching sound of the wheels of a car. She wiped her tears and got out of the alley she was hiding in. She guessed it was Blade. More like wished it was Blade since she just wanted to go home.

       "Hey are you okay? What happened? Blazie?" Blade said while getting out of her red car and to Blade's relieve it was Blade and not someone weird or creepy, not that Blaze can't deal with creeps by herself. It was just a hustle to kill someone with getting paid for it.

       Blaze did not answer Blade's questions and simply just got in the car. Blade too didn't push her anymore she knew better than that.


       Ash unlocked her main door and got in her house only to find Jenny weirdly giggling from her bedroom. In other circumstances she would have recorded it and laughed at her but tonight wasn't really good for having fun. Ash regretted going to 'Duck and Smile.'

      'I just hope she's doing okay. She should have atleast given me a chance to appologize but who am I kidding? I would have ran away too if I was her. I hope she doesn't press charges. It would mess things up more.' Ash thought a whole essay about what happened earlier as she started changing into her black pajamas with red rocket prints on it.


       As she was about to take off her black jeans she checked its pockets, she always checked the pockets of her pants. It was a good habbit or so her father used to tell her.

      She almost had a second heart attack this time. She found the envelope the anxious woman in red dress had given to her. She was supposed to give it to Aliya since she was wearing a silver dress. Realization hit her like a truck. Maybe she was supposed to give it to the girl wearing a silver dress... She was supposed to give it to the girl whom she kissed!


        "Anyways, Blaze since you don't wanna talk about whatever shit happened inside that lesbian bar then let's just talk about business okay?" Blade said, she was getting uncomfortable with the awkward silence in the car not to mention Blaze was sobbing in Blade's jacket and most probably blowing her nose in it.

      "What about business?" Blaze replied in a course voice. Blade was relieved after listening to it. Afterall Blaze finally spoke.

      "Gimme the pendrive. I wanna see what's in there before handing it over to Eagle." Blade said but was shocked on seeing Blaze's reaction who almost snapped her neck while turning towards Blade.

        "What?" Blade questioned in the tiniest voice she had ever spoken in.


     "Fuck." Blaze whispered.
