They Need Rem Right Now

"Oi, Oi. What's with that dumb look on your face?" said by none other than the kid.

"If you don't want to suffer, then give us all your money!"

These three when you first meet them, they look intimidating and they'll rob you and hurt you, but for Rem.

It's been freaking 3 times that she met them, and they're no longer a threat to her, they're just an obstacle standing in her way.

Rem sighs.

"Look! It's been 3 times alright! I don't wanna do this right now!"

"Oh well too bad, although we haven't met-

Skinny guy pulled out his knife.

-you're still getting robbed!"

Rem tries to pull out her hair and she just speedwalks.

"I have no time! Get out of the way!"

Rem walks past them and her body gets a shock wave throughout her body as she falls to the ground.

Her pupils shrink as she looks at the thieves, and she sees a knife right at her back.

Rem tries to stand but the pain is unbearable and she lays on the ground.

Rem's Thoughts.

"S-shi! n-Not- again!! w-why- d-does this world hate me-AHGH!"

She felt the knife was pulled and she's now bleeding.

She can hear the thieves panic and try to think of something, they're also atriad they're going to get caught by the guards or anyone that has authority here. They're deciding if they either steal from her and run or just quickly run.

Rem feels herself passing again, and she sees the hallway where Subaru and Mimilia were there to save her, it looks like they aren't here now…

Rem's Thought's: "This… This is the worst… why… do I have to do this…"

Rem can hear the thieves just running for it and Rem shed a tear before her eyes lost it's life.

"Oi, woman. What's with that face? Do you want the apple or not?"

Rem blinks and takes the apple.

"T-Thank you very much! I promise I will buy an apple from you next time!"











Rem is just standing, looking at a busy street, thinking if it's even worth her time being with Mimilia and Subaru. They have their own time and they can clearly manage themselves, so why does Rem have to intervene?

Rem takes a bite on the apple as she looks at the people passing by.

Rem: "Since this is a new world. Rem can just start over, by looking for a job, and then she has to work hard in order to fulfill her dreams. Since I'm a very hard working person, I think everything will go smoothly.

I will buy a house first, and then find something that interests me, if I find that thing, I will pursue it and maybe teach some children about it so it can be passed on to generations. Oh how the future is wonderful when you think about it.~"

Rem starts thinking about Subaru, and what will happen if she doesn't do anything.

"Subaru and Mimilia, I know the fact that they go to the slums and maybe possibly find the loot house. Last time I was there, my belly got sliced open… Even if I intervene, it will all be the same…

But… if I don't, they'll die going to the loot house… W-wait… Did I just think of something that's going to concern and maybe scar me for life??"

Rem holds her face.

"Darn it, Rem! You know you want to live, and you can't afford to have your stomach open again! I had enough of it!"

Rem noticed a couple, and they're holding their child by their hand.

Which, Rem instantly reminded her of that one time where Subaru and Mimilia were holding that appa guys daughter. 

They really looked happy and Subaru was kind of embarrassed when they might be mistaken for a young couple with a child of their own.

Rem remembering that, feels kind of guilty when she thinks about leaving them to die… 

They really looked like there's something that can be done… and Rem thinking about that makes her seem the bad guy here, because she has this power to go back, and they don't, and Rem knows what's going to happen, so...

The mother dropped two tomatoes from the bag of tomatoes she was holding, Rem looks at the both of them roll through the road and one got squished and Rem's eyes shot up in concern, seeing that one tomato spill its contents, the other tomato then gets crushed by another carriage too, and which it's spilled it's contents as well.

Rem sees two crushed tomatoes, laying down on the streets, waiting to be either cleaned or they rot there forever. 

Rem gulps as she holds her head.


Rem lays her back to a building and just sighs.

"Rem is really greedy at this point… She's willing to benefit herself more rather than help the people that are literally heading for their deaths…"

Rem closes her eyes and thinks.

"I know I don't wanna die again, but this is an opportunity really to save them, I don't want to die, If I do, I can come back and try again and I could just forget all of this."

Rem opens her eyes and looks at the tomatoes.

"But… Subaru… Miss Mimilia… They won't have a good future… If they die, I feel like I should be responsible… because I didn't do anything to prevent it… I have all the power to go back and fix it, but Rem is thinking about herself without thinking for others who really need help right now… Maybe that's the purpose of Rem's Checkpoint?..."

Rem breathes in and out as she walks, and starts to run in the direction of the appa guy.

"I've made up my mind, I'm not going to stop until I save both of them and myself! I will be scarred forever thinking about their deaths, and I will not let them have a future where they die together in pity!!"

"Rem will help both of them!"

Rem can't believe she's in this alleyway again, but it's the fastest way to go there, and she immediately stops seeing three figures…

Rem holds her head.

"Of course… of course they have to be here again…"