

"Intruders! Someone's here to assassinate the Destined Three!" Lionel bellowed amidst all the shouting, his arms still tight around me. Several of the leaders charged out of the tent with their weapons in hand. Lucian shielded Rachel behind him, eyes darting around to search for more danger. "Indy, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Lucian looked at me with with worry.

"N-no, I'm okay, I'm fine." I answered, looking up into Lionel's concerned gaze. "Thank you for saving me."

"I'm just glad you're okay." Lionel looked over me once more to make sure I wasn't hurt, and then pulled out his sword. "I'm going to go out and deal with those assassins. You, Rachel, and Lucian all stay in here with Ryan, Jonathan, and Thomas." He nodded at a few of the remaining leaders. "If anything happens to the Destined Three, you three will answer to me!"

Before I could protest, Lionel had already hurried out of the tent. I gripped my sword, not wanting to stay inside while assassins were killing our soldiers. Clashes of metal rang out, accompanied by grunts and groans as people were hurt. I speculated that Lord Victor sent these assassins after us. Who else would want us dead? But how did he know we were still alive?

Letting Lionel fend for himself out there...would he be okay? He was a great swordsman, but Lord Victor's assassins would also be skilled. If anything happened to him, I would never forgive myself. I started towards the exit, but one of the leaders stood in my way. "Miss Indigo, it's too dangerous outside. You have to stay in here."

I shook my head. "Those assassins are skilled. Lionel needs backup."

"The commander will be fine. He's the best swordsman in all of Crystallea. You should just stay in here, lest you—"

"Lest I what? Are you saying that I will be a hindrance?" I narrowed my eyes. "Move aside, captain. I can fend for myself." 'Also, the best swordsman in Crystallea is Katherine, and she will always be the best. Sorry Lionel.'

"No. We were ordered to—" The captain stubbornly refused to budge. I heard more clangs and thumps outside, and a couple of yells in pain. My temper flared.

"I said, move! I am one of the Destined Three, and I order you to move aside!" I drew my sword out halfway, the blade glittering coldly in the brightly lit tent. Hesitating, the captain slowly shifted to one side. I pushed my way out into the dark night.

The entire campsite was in an uproar. Torches were being lit, weapons were being drawn, and people were emerging from their tents, awakened by the commotion. I looked around for Lionel, but only saw several wounded soldiers being carried to the medics. "Where's the commander? Where are the assassins?" I grabbed a passing soldier and pressed him for information.

"Uh, they're that-a-way," the soldier pointed to my left. "I'd suggest you not go there, Miss Indigo. You might get hurt."

I was gone before he finished his warning. Unsheathing my sword completely, I sprinted towards the sound of clashing metal. I spotted Lionel locked in intense combat with a black-clad figure, their swords flashing in the moonlight. Slightly aside, another figure was fighting against a circle of our soldiers. I watched as Lionel dodged the attacks gracefully. His cloak whooshed in the night air, and his sword was a blur.

His opponent was no less skillful; each strike was calculated and designed to fatally wound, yet Lionel blocked or dodged every one. The two figures tangoed in the night, spinning, leaping, and dancing a deadly dance. I had never seen Lionel fight before, but seeing this made me understand why people said he was the best swordsman in all of Crystallea. Only once had I seen moves so graceful, so skilled—when Katherine fought Eric in the Goldhedge tournament. A swell of sadness rose up. Lionel would've been Katherine's perfect opponent. I bet Katherine would have loved to meet someone who was her match.

More soldiers swarmed around them and surrounded the assassins. Were there only two? Or were they only bringing up the rear? I stayed in the shadows, not wanting to draw attention to myself. After all, their target was me. Shouts rang out, the voices blending together into one cacophony. Torches were brought, illuminating the fight. I saw one assassin stumble and fall, disappearing underneath the blades of our soldiers.

"Don't kill him! I want them alive!" Lionel shouted. His opponent looked towards his comrade, now apprehended by our soldiers. I vaguely heard the fallen assassin yell for his partner to run.

Distracted, his partner started towards him, perhaps to rescue him. Lionel took this opportunity to strike. Startled, the assassin turned to block the attack, but was a split second too slow. Lionel's blade sliced through the black clothing, leaving a bloody wound across the assassin's left shoulder. The assassin twisted in pain, falling to the ground, but not before his sword shot out and struck Lionel on his right calf.

"Lionel!" I rushed out, but soldiers rushed in front of me and cut me off. "Lionel!"

"Protect her at all costs!" Lionel barked orders at the soldiers nearest to him, gesturing in my direction. "Tie up the prisoners! Tie them up well! You, take a group of people with you and search the surrounding forests. Make sure no more of their kind are hiding around us. I want all the leaders in the main tent immediately—we will interrogate these assassins!"

Several burly guards hustled to take the prisoners away. I tried to get a good look at them, but a scowling Lionel hobbled up to me. "What are you doing outside?! I told you to stay inside the tent!"

"I wanted to help you! I couldn't just leave you out here by yourself!" I defended myself. "You saw how skilled the assassins were; did you think I can stay inside knowing how big of a danger you're facing?!"

Lionel studied me for a second, slightly surprised. I looked at the blood dripping from his leg. "You need to get that bandaged up. Actually, you should just go see Rachel and have her heal it. We can't have you immobilized a week before our big battle."

"Wow, you care about my well-being? That's a first." Lionel remarked as I led him away.

I glared at him. "Save the sass for the interrogation, Lio. And you better let me participate in the questioning—I want to see who dares to kill me."