Catching Up


I glowered at Lionel as I took my seat beside Katherine, telling him with my eyes that I hated him and that he was not welcomed here. He met my gaze briefly and then looked away, at Indigo. I followed his every move, distrustful and wary.

Rachel, Indigo, and Lucian told their story first. Rachel talked about how Ashley told them about Lord Victor's plan to bomb the campsite so they could evacuate in time. "Ashley saved us all," Rachel said, "but she didn't make it out."

"She kind of deserved it," I interjected. "She was the one who led me into Lord Victor's trap and got me captured. Ashley was working with Lord Victor ever since we got out of the Desederium Forest."

Rachel and Lucian looked at me with disbelief. "Aaron, I know you said something about that last night, but I just can't believe it." Rachel said slowly. "Ashley? Working with Lord Victor? Why?"

Indigo said nothing as I told them what happened when Ashley and I went into Lord Victor's stronghold at Devil's Peak, how I was captured, and how Lord Victor led Ashley to visit Katherine and me in our prison cell. It seemed so long ago that we were together and still trusted each other wholeheartedly. How stupidly naïve of us.

Katherine poked me. "Yes, but Ashley also gave us the keys so we could escape. She was just blinded with grief over Jason's death."

"Ashley told me the truth before she died," Indigo spoke up. All eyes turned to her. "I had actually encountered her talking with Lord Victor one night, but she managed to convince me she wasn't. Before the bomb went off, Ashley told me how she realized too late that Lord Victor never intended to keep his promises. The only way to save all of us was for her to pacify Lord Victor and sacrifice herself. She conjured up an illusion of the campsite and stayed behind to maintain the magic. She died so that we could escape."

It was Katherine's and my turn to be surprised. We didn't know about this. Ashley's illusion was so realistic that even Lord Victor believed it. Her scorched wand was solid proof that she was the only one who didn't make it out.

Katherine sniffled. "I didn't know that when I said goodbye to Ashley that night, it would be the last time I ever see her again. We said we would see each other back at the camp, when we all reunited." She closed her eyes, overcome with grief. "Ashley was my best friend. I knew she wouldn't betray us—at least, not entirely. I hope she's happy now in the afterlife."

There was a moment of silence as we all grieved for Ashley, who betrayed us in her moment of weakness but ultimately saved us all. Without her, none of us would be alive and here today.

Lucian continued their story, from how they found the cliff where Katherine and I jumped off to their encounter with a group of bandits led by Sneaky Joe, who eventually turned out to be Lionel's good friend. (I knew Lionel wasn't a good person. What kind of people is friends with a bandit leader?) Then Indigo took over to talk about how they met Lionel and describe everything they've done so far, ending with their plan to invade Lord Victor's base.

"You see, we're not on Lord Victor's side; we never were," concluded Indigo. "You don't know how glad we are to see you and Katherine. We thought you two were dead, but seeing you two here, alive and well…" Here, she choked on her words, and I saw tears well up in her eyes. "I'm just so glad you're alive."

"We all are," Rachel added softly. I saw Lucian looking at me. His gaze implored me to believe them. He was my best friend; how could I ever doubt him? We stood up nearly at the same time and crossed the tent to each other. For the first time in a long time, I hugged my best friend tightly. Lucian gave me a squeeze.

"I'm so glad you're okay, man," he said, sounding like he's trying not to cry. "I thought I had lost you too."

"I'm sorry I doubted you earlier," I said sheepishly. "But Lucian, you'll always be my best friend, no matter what."

I heard "aww"s from the girls. Another second, and then Lucian and I separated with the handshake we made up so long ago. "I'm glad we're both alive," I said with a grin. Lucian grinned back and nodded.

"Okay, our turn." Katherine shifted on her cot. "Our journey was not as smooth as yours, unfortunately." She recounted how Matthew and Martha saved us and how we barely escaped with Charles and Christina when Lord Victor came after them. Indigo, Rachel, and Lucian listened with wide eyes as Katherine talked about the masked horsemen and tsked their tongues when they heard how I was almost seduced by Josephine. In my opinion, Katherine was exaggerating what happened at Josephine's, but no one listened to me.

"Damn, Aaron, I didn't know you were that sort of person," Lucian teased.

"Aaron, for shame! You should've known better," Rachel added, shaking her head at me.

"I was not seduced," I protested with reddening cheeks. "Josephine drugged me."

"Well, she was dropping hints all day and you just never noticed." Katherine was clearly still mad about the incident. Indigo looked at me with disapproval.

"That's not the important part; we still have to tell you about Charles and Christina." I hurriedly changed the subject and told them the tragic tale of the Wymond children. Then we got to the part where Katherine and I attempted to assassinate Indigo.

"You see, all along the way, villagers were telling us they saw groups of soldiers heading towards the Northern Mountains and that they suspected it was Lord Victor's new recruits," I explained. "Who else would be recruiting an army? No one, except Lord Victor. So when Kath and I saw your tents set up here, we naturally assumed that you were all working with Lord Victor."

"I told our soldiers to not stir up trouble!" Lionel, who had been silent the entire time, exclaimed with a hint of anger. "We passed by all the villages without entering. If I find whichever hooligan started the misconduct, I'll—"

"I think the villagers misunderstood our intentions." Indigo said, placing a calming hand on Lionel's arm. "We never entered the villages, and we didn't bother any villager. It's probably because no one ever dared to fight back against Lord Victor, so people naturally assume that all armies are working for Lord Victor."

"Anyhow, we're sorry we tried to kill you, Indigo," I said sincerely. "Now that I see we're all on the same side—and alive—it's a bit comical that Kath and I tried to assassinate you."

Indigo smiled. "If you hadn't, we would've never found out the other party was still alive. And I didn't get hurt, so no hard feelings." The five of us smiled at each other, relieved and happy to be with each other again.

"I think I should also apologize formally," Lionel said awkwardly, stepping out from behind Indigo. "Katherine, I am sorry I stabbed you, and I am very, very sorry for how I treated you last night. I should've been more rational and levelheaded, and I was inhumane. I don't expect forgiveness, but I am sorry."

The happy mood turned thick with tension. "You were torturing her," I growled. I wanted to punch him again. "You were pretty inhumane to both of us."

Katherine touched my arm; her fingers trembled slightly. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Apology accepted, Lionel, though it'll be a while before I can see you as a friend and not a foe."

"What?!" I turned to Katherine. "You're—forgiving him? You almost died, Kath!"

"It was just a big misunderstanding. And besides, we're all fighting against Lord Victor, so we're on the same team. We can't be fighting amongst ourselves if we want to stand a chance against Lord Victor." Katherine explained softly. Then she addressed Lionel again. "I must say, Lionel, your swordsmanship is incredible. I have never met someone with your level of skill and speed."

"Same to you, Katherine. No one has ever been able to meet my attacks head-on, much less match me. Maybe we can duel again sometime—as friends, of course—and learn from each other?" Lionel seemed sincere.

"Of course." Katherine smiled slightly. "I would love to."

"Now that all the misunderstanding is cleared up, I think we need a proper welcoming for Aaron and Katherine." Indigo looked very happy. "Let's throw a feast tonight in your honor."