Answer Me


"Alright. Second question: what is their plan of attack?" Lord Victor stopped laughing. "You're the mastermind, so I'm expecting that you know all the details of this plan."

I had anticipated having to answer this question, so I was prepared. "I do. I had a big role in creating the final plan. There were no maps that show how to get to this fortress, so the plan was to follow the path in and keep heading into the mountain range. If the trail splits, then we sent a small team down that path while the rest of the army kept going straight. The hope was that we would get close enough to see the fortress from afar and then head in that direction."

"Interesting information, Indigo, but you're not telling me the plan of attack. What did you plan to do once your army reached my fortress?" Lord Victor held up his right hand and studied his fingers nonchalantly, as if he was looking for traces of grime.

"I was just about to get to that. The plan is actually really simple: attack head-on. Lord Victor, you know how the Destined Three is prophesized to fight you, so the Rosewood Seven—well, four now—need to enter the fortress. And the most efficient way to do so is to enter through the front door." My knuckles were white from clenching my own hands. Knowing Lionel, he was going to try attacking from the sides or from the back after he sees the fortress and analyzes the surroundings. I needed to draw Lord Victor's attention and army away and distract them so he and the others could get in.

"That's it?" Lord Victor didn't sound like he believed me. "Look at me, Indigo. You're telling me that the mastermind of Crystallea, one of the prophesized Rosewood Seven, came up with the one-step plan of attacking from the front?" He leaned forward on his throne and peered at me.

I forced myself to meet his suspicious gaze with calmness. "Yes. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The best plans are the simplest. With Lionel's army to draw attention away from the Rosewood Seven, it will be easier for them to head directly for the gates and force their way in."

Lord Victor's green eyes probed mine, searching for any hint of nervousness and lies. In the depths of my sleeves, my hands began to tremble. It felt like he was reading my mind, so I tried my best to keep my mind blank and told myself over and over that I was not lying. 'I'm telling the truth. I'm telling the truth. I'm telling the truth.'

After what seemed liked an eternity, Lord Victor relaxed and leaned back onto his throne. "Brilliant. I expected nothing less from the mastermind. If you had told me an elaborate plan instead, I would have become suspicious. How can you have an elaborate plan if you know next to nothing about this fortress? Thank you for being honest, Indigo."

I dipped into a small bow and secretly dabbed away the perspiration that had gathered at my brow. "I would never lie to you, my lord. My loyalty lies with you, so I will tell you everything you wish to know."

"Mmm, good, good." Lord Victor sounded satisfied. "Last question, Indigo. Tell me Aaron's and Katherine's greatest weaknesses."

"Aaron's and Katherine's greatest weaknesses?" I was caught off-guard. Of all the questions I had prepared to answer, this was not one of them. I cannot tell Lord Victor about my friends' weaknesses.

Lord Victor saw my hesitation. "Don't tell me you don't know, Indigo. You've been friends for years, and you've been together on this hopeless quest. You should know their fatal flaws."

"Well…this is a hard question. They don't have any major weaknesses," I said slowly, trying to buy myself time to think.

Lord Victor crossed his legs and tapped his fingers on his throne's armrest. With every click of his nail on the metallic frame, my heart thudded. "I'm waiting, Indigo."

"If I had to pinpoint something, I'd say that Katherine's weakness…is that mental connection you have with her." I looked up at Lord Victor. "She loses all of her strength and battle power, every time."

He already knew this, so I'm not revealing anything new. To my surprise and dismay, Lord Victor brightened. "Oh! The mental connection! I nearly forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me, Indigo. I remember how violently Katherine reacted each time. This is a great weakness indeed."

Oh no. Did I really just remind Lord Victor he still had a mental connection with Katherine? Her pained screams echoed in my mind. 'I'm so sorry, Katherine.'

Lord Victor tilted his head and studied me curiously. I tried to hide my panic and put a mask of calmness back on. "What about Aaron?"

"Aaron…?" I had hoped Lord Victor forgot he asked about a second person, but he didn't. "Well…I think…I think Aaron's weakness is that…he can be oblivious at times…"

"Oblivious to what? Your love for him?" Lord Victor sniffed disdainfully. "You know that's not what I'm looking for, Indigo." Suddenly, he was right in front of me, and his cold, white fingers had grabbed hold of my chin and tilted it up. Forced to look into his eyes, I felt fear and panic rise from the bottom of my heart. "I'll ask you one more time. What is Aaron's greatest weakness?"

His grip on my chin was beginning to hurt. I knew fear was written all over my face now, but I couldn't regain my composure. I heard myself speak in a shaky voice: "Aaron can't stand seeing his friends get hurt."

Lord Victor raised an eyebrow, amused. He let go of my chin and turned around to walk back up to his throne, mulling over what I just said. "Can't stand seeing his friends get hurt? Interesting…very interesting…"

My heart was still thundering in my ears. I came into the throne room confident I'll have Lord Victor believing whatever I said, but now I felt like he got what he wanted out of me despite my best efforts. Lord Victor looked over his shoulder at me.

"Thank you for your information, Indigo. I've learned quite a bit from our conversation. You can go now." He walked up the rest of the way to the throne and sat down in a flourish. I bowed quickly and turned to leave, wanting to get away from his chilling smile. 'Why do I feel like Lord Victor knows what I'm up to?'

"Oh, Indigo? One more thing." Lord Victor's voice sounded behind me. I halted, but I didn't have the courage to look back and meet his eyes. "I'll have someone bring some winter clothing up to your room. You look like you could use an extra coat or two—you're shivering, and you're very, very pale."

I could hear the knowing smile in his voice. Chills ran down my spine. It took all of my willpower to keep my voice steady. "Thank you for your concern, my lord."