The Final Battle


Without the troublesome attacks from the Evils, we could now focus our entire attention on fighting Lord Victor. He didn't let us get far. He drew symbols in the air with wisps of darkness, sending all that he had in our way. Aaron swept his arm out in a grand gesture, and a powerful gust of wind countered Lord Victor's blast to clear our way. Katherine and I rushed at Lord Victor with our weapons extended. Lord Victor sent blast after blast of dark magic towards us, but we were able to dodge the attacks or neutralize them with our magical weapons.

Katherine reached Lord Victor first. Her blade moved so fast it was only a blur, but Lord Victor moved just as fast. The metallic sound of weapons clashing echoed in the throne room. In close combat, Lord Victor resorted back to his own weapons—a pair of long daggers.

Katherine leapt up to avoid Lord Victor's slash at her knees, and then brought her sword down upon Lord Victor's head. He crossed his daggers and blocked the blow, not even staggering under all the force that Katherine applied. 'Clang!'

Before the shower of sparks reached the ground, my spear was there, stabbing towards Lord Victor's exposed side. At the last moment, Lord Victor withdrew one of his daggers and sliced down, looking to chop off my arm. I jumped to the side to avoid the attack; my spear missed Lord Victor. Still blocking Katherine with one dagger, Lord Victor's other dagger shot out towards her stomach. Katherine retracted her sword in a hurry and leapt back, narrowly avoiding injury.

As Lord Victor went after Katherine, Aaron descended from above. Using his wind powers to keep him levitated in midair, he aimed a strong kick at Lord Victor's head. Lord Victor changed the direction of his dagger, mid-strike, to slice up at Aaron, who somersaulted in the air and blocked the blow with his own sword.

The three of us surrounded Lord Victor. We fought up and down the walkway, knocking over some of the tall torches in the process. Lord Victor swept both of his arms outward, blasting Katherine and I back. From his hands erupted a streak of darkness that flew at each of us; Katherine slashed hers in half with Retribution, and I blocked mine with Phoebus. I could hear whatever evil that made up the dark smoky mass hiss angrily as the glowing inscriptions on my spear forced it to dissipate.

With a roar, Aaron plunged down from above, his sword outstretched. Lord Victor spun in a graceful circle, his cloak and robe billowing out about him. His two long daggers flashed and caught Aaron's sword between them. Aaron tried to retract his sword, but it didn't budge. Lord Victor swung his arms down and forcefully dragged Aaron out of the air. As Aaron plummeted toward the ground, Lord Victor pulled back his daggers and stabbed at Aaron, who twisted in midair so that his cloak flew out in front. Lord Victor's daggers hit the cloak and bent into the shape of a Z. Aaron dropped to the ground in a crouch, his sword in hand.

Lord Victor snarled and threw his now-useless daggers aside. As we charged at him again, he opened his palms and forged another pair of long daggers with his dark magic. These glowed black and pulsed with evil magic. Obsidian smoke swirled around the blades. Clang! Clang! Lord Victor blocked Aaron's overhead slash with one dagger and Katherine and my side stab with another. Good and evil magic hissed at each other as light and dark met.

Even with three of us at maximum battle strength and with the aid of three magical weapons, we couldn't defeat Lord Victor. We couldn't even harm him. He always blocked our attacks, and even if we did manage to wound him slightly, the cut would immediately heal. He was immortal and invincible. We were not. So how do we defeat him?

A streak of blue flashed in front of me. Katherine's sword blocked Lord Victor's dagger, which would have split me in half. While I tried to think of a way to defeat Lord Victor, my focus had strayed from the battle.

"Give up, children. You cannot defeat me." Lord Victor's eyes glinted arrogantly. Katherine gritted her teeth and lunged for another stab, which he parried.

"Kath, Indigo, move!" Aaron shouted as he touched down on the ground and brought both of his outstretched arms together, fists pointing towards Lord Victor. Katherine and I dove out of the way as a blast of wind with the power of a typhoon hit Lord Victor squarely on the chest. Lord Victor stumbled back several steps, but quickly regained his footing and countered the blast with black magical wind of his own that overwhelmed Aaron's wind and pushed him onto the floor.

I rushed at Lord Victor with my spear extended. He met my eyes, smiled evilly, and quickly drew out a curly symbol in the air with a dagger. I felt an invisible force pick me up and throw me back. I collided with one of the tall torches and landed on the cobblestone ground, hard. A jolt of pain ran down my arm when I pushed myself up.

Flashes of blue were seen as Katherine singlehandedly fought Lord Victor. Her bladework maneuvers were beautiful and simply amazing to watch. It was no wonder she was the warrior. A smear of pale yellow joined the blue in fighting against the black—Aaron had recovered and joined the battle once more. I staggered to my feet, clutching Phoebus. We can't keep fighting like this. Eventually, Aaron, Katherine, and I would all tire. I was already sporting several cuts on my limbs, and I was sure Aaron and Katherine were no better. How can we defeat Lord Victor? How?

Aaron somersaulted in the air, his glowing cloak flashing. A red glow caught my eye. Lord Victor's orb was still floating in the air, right above his head. Dark tendrils of magic were pulled from the orb by Lord Victor's daggers to blast Katherine and Aaron back. The orb! How could we have forgotten?

I ran back towards the heat of the battle. Katherine skidded back from a counterattack to stand beside me. She was breathing hard, but her eyes blazed with determination. "Do you have a plan, Indigo?"

I nodded. "We have to get to the orb. Destroy the orb, and Lord Victor will lose all of his power."

"How do we do that?" Katherine readied her sword to charge again. Aaron and Lord Victor were locked in battle. Aaron's wind ruffled Katherine and my hair.

"You and I will distract Lord Victor, Aaron will knock the orb out of the air, and then one of us can break it." I answered.

Katherine nodded. "You pass the word to Aaron. I'll keep Lord Victor busy." She charged back at Lord Victor, who had just forced Aaron back. I ran up to Aaron before he could launch himself into the air again and informed him of our plan.

"I'm on it. Be careful, Indigo." Aaron shot me a reassuring smile before throwing himself back into the battle.