after choosing monster race selection I see three options goblins, kobold, turtlemen, goblins the weakest race of monster that stands around three ft tall with different colors depending on what we're they live. goblins are very weak but are very adaptable species
the great sense of smell and lesser night vision goblins have fast reproductive rate but are rather weak compared to most monsters and short life span 15 years for non evolved goblins and magic users are rare they have primitive hunter gatherers culture goblins are good at poison making and some talent goblins are good at taming and they worship totems and can have totem spirits defend there tribe,
kobolds are a reptilian type monster race around 3 and half feet long they are good at digging and have a very diluted dragon blood in them giving some of the more talented kobolds treasure smell with that they can mine minerals and precious stones they have lesser night vision and lesser mining kobolds live for 20 years and have primitive metal work skills but for there skill of finding treasure they are often hunted or are ruled by dragons as slaves so they stay in caves most of the time they worship there dragon ancestors,
turtlemen are a race of reptile monster turtlemen have thick shells on there backs giving them natural armor but can not were other armor do to there shells and are slow on land but fast movement speed in the water they live solitary lives for most of there lives until they find a partner they can live to 200 years old and turtle men have very hard time evolving they are the descendants of the ancient lion turtles,
after looking through the monsters races I was split between kobolds and goblins I decided not to pick turtlemen though they have very few downsides the problem was there being hard to evolve plus I don't like the Idea of being a giant turtle and between kobolds and goblins that is hard choice kobolds are good miners and smell treasure and have dragon blood but from the descriptions they are attack so bad they hide in cave or be slaves of dragons and do not want to either hind of be a slave.
goblins on the other hand they have good poison make and can tame but are weakest monster but don't forget magic is rare to but the description very adaptable could mean they have a easier time evolving after some back and forth between them I decided goblins might as well they have many downsides but if my guess is correct then they should evolve easily and midgets some of the down side after choosing my race I hear the system (system please input a name after thinking for a bit I decided blood)