Chapter Eight: Liberated

Doctor Liz and Doctor Elliot are only two of the people her father assigned to her. Each specifying one area of her life. Doctor Liz stabilizes her emotional and mental state. Meanwhile, Doctor Elliot works with her physically from sending her weekly diets and workouts to also hanging out with her as a friend exploring the city and occasionally he takes her out to experience a normal human being's life. This includes swimming, watching movies, and playing sports.

All of this is to help her adapt to a normal life she never had and distract her a bit.

Then there's other doctors or specialists like Mrs.Ken who helps her write down everything resulting in hundreds of unpublished books. She and Mrs.Ken worked on the script for 'The gap between us' for fun. Surprisingly it became very popular and they decided to make it into a movie.

Her personal favorite is Mr.Thomsone because she goes to his studio and records music when she's feeling down. There she can connect to her mother on another level which truly makes her happy.

Her brother and father turned out to be very overprotective of her. Even her grandparents call her every week to check up on her and her aunt and uncle come and stay over at her mansion once a month to keep her company. She felt like they were a bit over the top.

In the end, this helped her and she is now doing better than her first year with them. That year she was on Assassin mode every single second. She could not control herself and felt like killing. After all her whole life was about taking lives. But now she was better. If it were her old self she would call herself pathetic because of how soft she became.

In her life as an assassin, there was nothing to fear. Her whole family was dead anyway so whether she died in a mission nobody would care. But now she has her grandparents, her aunt and her uncle, her brother, and her aloof assistant that she considers a loyal best friend and Jennifer Denis her outgoing bestie. She has finally found a reason to shoo away her suicidal thoughts.

No matter how cold she seems or how depressed and alone she is at times. These people never fail to make her warm-up or at least a bit warmer than her usual self.

Clair sighed and parked her car right in front of the mansion. One of the guards came out and opened the door for her. She got out and gave him the car keys since she gave a week off to her chauffeur."Thank you" Clair thanked him softly.

"No problem Young Miss Yves." He replied respectfully.

Clair walked up the stairs and the door was opened by two maids. She gave them a small smile and they answered with a bright smile. There were two rows of maids and they all bowed in respect. "Welcome back young Miss," they said in a chorus. Clair nodded. From the middle of the rows, Butler Wu came and also bowed.

Clair smiled at him and so did he."Any preference for today's dinner young Miss?"He asked. She shook her head."No need I'm not hungry at the moment." She answered.

The butler suspiciously looked at her."Alright, then I'll be informing Mr.Yves of this." Clair gave him a sheepish smile."No need." She pouted and walked towards her room.

She took a shower and came down to eat dinner. She felt hungry. Butler Wu is always warm and caring to her and makes sure that she eats at least one meal when she's at home. She either eats breakfast or dinner. Yesterday she skipped breakfast so she would have to eat dinner. As time passed her schedule became a lifestyle that she started to like it.

It no longer felt like a responsibility but instead, it became something she's excited to do because it helps her heal.

Just recently committing suicide and then taking on a rough mental and physical training to become an heir to a royal blood family and then take on the pressure of it all was not a good mixture. This is why she always had to keep the balance of her family, work-life, personal time, and friendships.

This is something she will forever be grateful to her father. He gave her the chance to breathe again. To live. To be a person. The lump in her throat keeping her from breathing is finally gone. Hate, anger, that rage she had is gone.

That thirst for vengeance is finally gone and she has learned live. She smiled at the thought. She truly felt liberated.

The next day

Saturday,March 7,20XX

Clair got up and left for the office without eating breakfast and she also skipped her two hours of exercise because she simply decided to have a rest day. She entered her car and drove to her company.

When she entered all the employees greeted their President respectfully secretly hoping that she would be easy on them this Saturday, the last day of the week. Despite being the devil president she treats her employees with a lot of care and also protects the company very well.

For example, nobody is allowed to stay for extra hours after the normal work schedule unless their tasks are super important. Also, nobody except for the president can bring documents and information to work at home. Videos, photos, or any sort of footage is not permitted. This, of course, to prevent their rivals from getting their hands on exclusive information about the company.

Everyone is valued. Even the ones that play the smallest roles like cleaner.Just like the receptionist must be polite and show the good image of the company a small cleaner is what keeps a clean environment for all workers to comfortably do their jobs. She made sure that everyone gets valued.No scandals are allowed either. Gossips and discussions are fine as long as they don't damage the company's image.

"STAR LUSH needs productive employees that will not waste their time in creating, spreading, or involving themselves in any kind of rumors, fights, or scandals. You were hired for a reason and are getting paid for that same reason. If any of you decide to ignore my words then you can see yourself out…..right now" These were the first words she spoke on her first day as CEO.

Later on, she secured the position and moved up the rank by becoming the chairwoman, still, they all refer to her as the CEO since Mr.Yves still holds reasonable power and Clair likes it best this way. With just the first day as the new empress of the Yves Empire, she became famous for ruling her empire with an iron fist.

No matter what decisions she takes they always ensure that everyone can be happily enjoying their jobs. What's the point of scolding and lashing out at her employees? She thought. This will only stop the employees from being more productive in their results because of the pressure. Of course, she would not go easy on them and cause them to slack off. Instead, she motivated them and gave them challenging tasks to increase their knowledge and train very efficient employees.

Even though she determined herself to be patient and motivate her employees, she still doesn't go around smiling and saying 'good job' to everyone because it's not her personality. Instead, she simply rewards them for their hard work. Plus, she's reasonable when she scolds and lashes out at them.

In an interview she once said. "The most important thing about having a successful company is not showing the world the greatest products but instead it's to have efficient employees that one can count on to show the world the greatest products."

This caused her group of admirers and fans to grow in large numbers. Her social media gained millions of followers and this quote as well as many others were displayed across not only social media but magazines, talk shows, and are even used by celebrities. She became a celebrity and more famous than the top A list stars.

And of course, with so much success Clair gained thousands of suitors as well…..all turned down cruelly." I'm not one of your toys I suggest you don't treat me as one because I am not something that can be played with." With these words, she rejected Country B's number one playboy.

Her words spoke nothing but the truth.

Clair entered her private elevator and went to the top floor. When she entered her office Yaci had placed all the documents that needed her attention today in her desk. Clair gave her a hug and Yaci handed her a Latte. Clair placed her jacket and purse away and sat down in her desk starting to go through the documents as Yaci explained her schedule for the day.

Clair went to a couple of meetings after and signed various documents and also went through the list of new employees for the day. She always considered everything, even the smallest details all to ensure the safety of her company of course. She was so busy the whole day like any other that she skipped her lunch.

4 hours before ending her day at work Yaci entered her office with the phone in her hand."Clair, your father is on the phone."

She nodded and took the phone from her."You may go."She told her and turned her attention to the person on the phone."Hello father."

"Princess do me a favor and come home for dinner tonight.''Mr.Yves stated instead of asking.''We will be having some guests over and I would like you to meet them."He added when he received silence after his first sentence. Clair sighed."Father, I have a business trip to which I will be leaving tonight." She informed him.

"I'm sorry I forgot to inform you earlier father." She heard a loud humph! from the other side and placed her palm on her forehead rubbing her temples. She knew it….

Tantrum incoming….




"You see you don't even pay attention to this old man anymore. None of you, not even your brother. He also has a 'business trip' whenever I ask him to come visit me! Are children this ungrateful these days? I might as well leave to the mountains to meditate and never come back!"

"Tch have you given me grandchildren? You wouldn't have to come up with any excuses to not visit me anymore if only you gave me grandchildren already." He continued with his complaints.


"It's true you know it! You're always ignoring me"

Grandchildren? What is he saying? Oh right...after that adorable baby video, she showed him he got baby fever and is asking her to get him some grandchildren Sigh!