Chapter Seventy-Two: Pissing off the wrong person

"She accepted my proposal, and you can't say she will not be safer if she marries me. Ainara or Clair Yves, it doesn't matter. Danger will always follow her, but if she becomes queen, the game will change completely." James responded, his calm expression remained.

Mr. Yves just continued glaring at him.

"Did you really have to take advantage of her like that?!"

"Does it look like I'm taking advantage of her?" James countered.

"And she tried to kill me on our first encounter. You should be glad we are no longer at each other's throats." I'm pretty sure she's still looking for an opening to stab my heart with one of her cute little daggers. (He added inwardly.)

Sure, they had gotten closer, but he knew his kind well. She would not give up, if the chance came she would kill him.

But obviously, right now it wasn't convenient, she was being extremely careful despite not making it obvious. After all, if she became friends with him and understood him well, after making sure her family is safe, she can leave him.


He won't let that happen.

He liked her.

He would not let go of someone he likes; she was the best option. She's who he needs, she's perfect, and she's... special.

Or this is what he was telling himself.

Reading through his thoughts, Mr. Yves's face darkened.

"Do you think she's an option? 'The best choice' Your highness my daughter is not option b in your math test! She's her own person if I hear any discomfort from her part it's over. I don't care if I have to exhaust all my resources to protect her, and even if I die, I will make sure she's safe and away from you."

Those words made James fall deep in thought.

'The best choice.'

Yes, that seemed a bit…

He frowned, that's not the way he wants to view her.

"She's someone I am comfortable with. She's someone I can look at and think of as my partner."

"Everyone knows you have never wanted to have a love marriage like your parents, so don't give me that crap."

James's eyes narrowed. Mr. Yves enjoyed testing his patience. Right now they need each other, if not for that Mr. Yves would be hanged for his disrespect.

Okay, that was an exaggeration since he's not that petty. But it surely would not end well for him.

"That's true. I do not and will never love your daughter, just as she does not and will not love me. What we have is friendship, a connection that brings us peace as partners. You should give up on the thought that your daughter will find a good man, marry and have kids. We both know she's not like that."

Mr. Yves fell silent. James's words were nothing but the truth.

Still, he hoped that one day Clair would just let herself truly be happy…

Not getting to her on time was one of his biggest regrets. If he had heard about her before that day at the bridge, he would have saved her and she would do much better than now.

But what could he do? He didn't care if she existed or not back then. It was all about convenience. It was only after that he grew fond of her and had an instinct to protect, guard, and cherish her.

"Please, I'm begging you. Do not force her into anything. She does not deserve to be entangled in this mess. As soon as we balance things, you will let her go, understood?"

James pursed his lips. "I'll think about it." He replied and picked up the images, taking them with him and walking out.

Mr. Yves gritted his teeth.

If his health weren't deteriorating along with his influence, he would do better to protect and would not need to engage her to James.

He clenched his chest and took a deep breath in.

He could not fight against the crown prince. Mr. Yves had met James since he was younger, and that young man was just as intimidating as he is now.

He looks at least not completely approachable and a harmless person who only attacks if he is attacked. But no, Mr. Yves knew better.

James attacked everyone that posed a threat to him. He got rid of those before they could harm him.

And he had everything in order.

He was sure that man would have completely disappeared from the royal family if his brother could actually be responsible enough. Unfortunately, such a thing would not happen.

Adan was not mature or responsible, neither did she want the throne. Surely, he had been spoiled, and it was not a good thing.


Clair sighed.

After getting ready, she walked back to her office and got to work.

She had been taking things lightly lately and spending too much time on James. Now her work had piled up, and she had gotten extremely busy.

Yaci was there to help her, but Clair had to take responsibility for her carelessness.

Unlike all the CEO's in the dramas she watches, the real-life experience is not fun at all. But these days she seems to act like her work is nonexistent.

A long list of curses rolled off her tongue.

Deciding to take a small break, Clair confirmed their plans for this end of the month with Anna and then headed out of the building to get herself a cup of coffee.

She crossed the street and ordered her latte before heading back into the building.

Walking inside, a group of young adults who seemed high were headed her way carelessly. Turning around to avoid them she failed to notice one of the guy's changes of direction and he bumped into her causing the coffee to spill on her shirt.

He walked ahead of her and laughed it off, observing the line of her bra. Licking his lips, he raised an eyebrow at her.

Clair was tired.


The coffee was hot.

This was her building.

Her company.

The one she built with dripping sweat, tears, and blood.

Yes, she was extremely pissed off.

She immediately sent him a glare.

Though startled, the guy grunted. "Why so dramatic? It's just a small spill, stupid bitch." He turned to his friends, and they laughed, supporting his stupid action.

Clair clenched onto the coffee, and she opened the cap.

Lifting it, she poured it on over his head.


The guy instantly screamed, getting almost everyone's attention.

It was boiling hot and his skin turned red right away.

Yeah, she shouldn't have done that.

And yeah, he shouldn't have pissed her off.

"What are you being all dramatic for? It's just a small spill." She tilted her head and blinked innocently.

"You dumb fuck." She added, walking past him.

She completely blocked out the sound of his curses and threats.