Chapter 8



So it really is true that he is the ruler of this Island?!

Damn! Damn it!

I hate to admit it but, how cool is that?!

I was just staring at Sebastian. I know the awe is visible on my face right now.

I heard him chuckled. "Now now, Kitty. I told you it's up to you if you'll trust everything I say or not." He shook his head.

He walked past me and sat on the end of the table. He motioned for me to do the same thing.

I sat on the other end of the table.

This is awkward...

So how are we going to talk in this distance.

I mentally slapped my self. As If I would even initiate another conversation with this guy. He's boring as fuck.

I just shrugged each and every unintended and irrelevant thoughts out of my mind and just focused on getting foods.

Damn I'm so hungry after all the things that has happened. I can't bear another second of starving.

After I have gotten every dishes that I desire, I started eating spoonfulls of foods.

Ahhh, to be alive with foods.

I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings and just eat whole heartedly. I don't care about anything as of now besides my food.

I almost choked up because of my food. I heard Sebastian getting up from his seat but then it was Eldora who was the one that has handed me water first.

I immediately swallowed the whole glass of water and grabbed on my seat. I breathed heavily.

Damn. I almost died.

I sigh.

'Though dying from great pleasure sure is not bad.'

I chuckled from my own thought.

I heard Sebastian cleared his throat. "Be careful next time. You're not gonna ran out of food. Take your time."

I just gave him a sour expression. "And whose fault is that, that I am this hungry?" I rolled my eyes.

"Uhm, yours?" He reluctantly answered.

"Yours, stupid!" I hissed.

The ladies. The four of them flinched right after they heard my retort. Once again, they looked so surprised. But this time, it seems that they are surprised that I could talk to Sebastian so casually.

Eldora attempted to talk to me but Sebastian just raised his hand.

"Why is it on me?"

"I told you a couple of times inside the cruise ship that I was starving as fuck. Did you listen? Huh? Did you?" I looked at him wide eyed.

The four girls seems to be anxious of the situation right now. But I couldn't care less, I'm still hungry.

He remained silent. 

"Right. You did not. Now, you've got anything to say? You've got complaints under your sleeves?" I waited for his respond but I didn't heard any so I rolled my eyes. "That's what I thought."

I didn't wait for his response and continued eating.

I heard Sebastian sniggering.

I looked at him while my mouth is full and still chewing.

I paused from chewing my food. "What's funny, dumbass?"

He cleared his throat and suppressed his laugh. He then looked at me with a smile. "Nothing. Proceed from eating. Help yourself and tame your hunger." He then continued eating himself.

I just released a confused looked and continued eating.


While eating, I can feel the stare of the three lady from my behind and Eldora's in front of me.

What now?

I just ignored them. Why can't I be in peace even just for a whole day. I sigh.

I finished my food and I just noticed that I was the only one left eating. Sebastian is already reading something from a newspaper. 

Huh? They have newspapers here? In this miniature Island? What kind of news are they writing?

I just then realized something.

I faced the four ladies.

"Hey." I sought for Eldora's attention.

"Yes, Tatty?" She went towards me.

"You guys aren't going to eat with us?" I looked at her and to the foods. There's so much foods left.

She then smiled at me. "We will, Tatty. After you both finish."

"But we are already finished." I looked at her straight on the eyes.

"After you leave the dining room." She smiled once again.

I felt a little guilty. I've been eating too much in front of them while they are watching us and they haven't had their meal yet.

This reminds me of my parent's house. When I was a kid, our maids are also like this. Since my mom and dad are always busy at work, I tend to be left alone in the house more often. I was all alone always during meal time. Breakfast, lunch and even dinner. I always offer our maids to eat with us but I wasn't able to convince them since it's a rule in the house.

I immediately stood up from my seat and was about to leave the room.

"You done?" I heard Sebastian ask so I faced him.

I nodded. "Yeah." I answered shortly.

"Why are you in such a haste?" He puts down the newspaper that he has been reading this whole time.

"Erm..." I looked at the four girls. I reluctantly opened my lips to answer. "So that they can eat already?" I answered unsurely. I kind of felt embarrassed suddenly for being nice.

Stupid Sebastian. I was going to be nice in my own way. Now I have said it out loud. This is embarrassing.

The five of them stared at me intently. It looks like they seemed surprised about my answer.

I can feel my face heating up. I wanted to scream in embarrassment right now.

Shit be sticking on me this past few days up until now.

I just bit my lip and pretended to be okay. I faced Sebastian.

I cleared my throat. "So get your ass out in there too, so that they can eat already." After I left those words, I immediately turned my back at then and walked my strides towards my room.

Luckily I remembered the hallways that we've past through or else I would have been lost on my tracks right now.

As I was about to turn another hallway towards my room. I fet that someone was behind me.

I turned my back and saw Sebastian walking towards me.

"Hey." He greeted.

I nodded. "Hey."

"You going to your room?"

I waited for him to be beside me so that we could talk without loudening our voices.

"Yeah, obviously."

Once he was already walking besides me, I also started walking.

"By the way." I started.


"What were you reading awhile ago?"

"A newspaper?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I can see that, I know. But what were the content of that newspaper. Do you guys have something like a publishing company here or what?"

He chuckled. "Silly."

"What? Just answer me."

"Those newspapers are from your homeland." He paused. "We always have newspapers sent here by my men that is currently there to check on the current issues and situations. The reason is so that we wont be out of date to the current controversies. It's also crucial for us to know each and every news that are being released there."

I nodded. "I thought you have newspapers here even though this Island seems to be so small that you could just gossip the news yourselves."

I heard him chuckled.

"Anyway, Kitty. Did Eldora explained to you what will be the event tomorrow?"

I stopped walking. "Huh?"

That's right, Eldora did mentioned something about me going to an event and that I should be ready.

"So they didn't explained everything to you huh?" He also stopped walking and puts his hand to his hips.

"They didn't explained a single thing." I said.

He sigh. "Well, maybe it's also a good thing not to tell you first." He turned his back on me.

Huh?! What?!

"Hey! What's up with tomorrow?!" He didn't payed attention to me and just walked straight.

Wait. He's going on the direction of my room.

"Hey! Where are you going, dumbass?!" I ran to him to stop him.

I ran in front of him to make him stop from walking.


I glared at him. "I asked you, where are you going?"

"To my room?" He looked so confused.

He shook his head and continued walking after getting past of me.

Huh? But that way is the direction towards my room. And my room is almost at the dead end of this hallway.

I just walked behind him.

We're almost at my room's door already but he still isn't entering any room.

I was about to call him again when he reached out for a door.

My eyes widened when I saw him walking towards my door.

What in the actual fuck?!

I ran towards him as fast as I could. I don't care if this is his palace or not. But we ain't sleepin' in the same room! Over my dead body!

"Hey—!" I was about to yell at the top of my lungs when I saw him reach out to the door knob next to my door.

He faced me while still gripping his door knob. "Yeah? What?" He looks totally confused right now. I am starting to feel more and more embarrassed. Fuck.

I bit my lips. And bowed my head a little. "Nothing. I was just..."

"Just?" He released his grip from the door knob.

I pinched my self secretly. You dumb fucking woman, how dumb can you be?! Why would he be sharing a goddamn room with you?! There's literally a hundreds of rooms here!

"Nothing! Rest now, dumbass! Make sure you don't wake me up with your loud snoring!" I hissed and ran in to my room.

When I was already inside, I immediately slammed the door and leaned on it. I slapped my self a lot of times to punish myself from embarrassing me a lot of times today.

This isn't even a whole day yet!

I just sighed and went to my bed. I'm just gonna sleep this embarrassment.

I laid myself there and slept the embarrassment that I have brought to myself.