Chapter 18

I am already awake, but my eyelids are seems to be more heavy than what it should be. I can't open my eyes, it's like both of my eyelids are glued to each other.

I groaned, I wanted to open my eyes and move but my body also feels so heavy. What's happening?

My head is also feeling a bit achy and heavy.

The moment I opened my eyes, the darkness embraced my sight.

It''s dark.

I tried to get up and closed my eyes for a second to adjust my vision. Once I started roaming my eyes around the place I am in right now, I just realized I'm inside my room.

What time is it?

I tried to get up but my head suddenly throbbed.

I tripped on the bedsheet causing for me to fall down my bed and it made a loud thud.

I clenched my jaw to suppress the pain on my hips. I landed on my hips after I fell.


I breathe in and out to calm myself up.