Chapter 29

I was talking to Sebastian about the history of their island.

I was laying on his top because he does kot want to loosen his grip on me. Hence, I comfortably laid on his top and rested my head on his chest because I don't want to strain my self just because of a weird laying position.

I just listened to his blabberings and nodding when asked.

I felt a tingle on my insides when I felt Sebastian's hands on my waist loosen up and he slid it up my back.

"Where the fuck do you think you're touching?!" I pressed on his chest and was about to stand up when he put his hands back on my waist and pulled me towards him once again.

"Shh. It's rude to interrupt a person while it's talking." I felt his chest and stomach vibrating.

He's laughing.

I don't know but it suddenly felt hot and my stomach is stirring.

"As I was saying... the words that are given to them is that, the woman in the prophecy would show herself here on her own accord..."