Chapter 39


As soon as I entered my cabin, I already plopped on my bed.

The cold surface of my bed made me want to be intimate with it more.

I snuggled on my pillow and closed my eyes.

I may have slept well outside the ship, but it seems like it was quite not enough. I still wanted to sleep.

May be this is my body talking. I haven't had any proper sleep since the day I was fucked up by my ex fiancé on our own wedding day.

I scowled at the thought of that fucked up day. Damn, just remembering what that bastard looks like pisses me off.

I had no time to let my self rest within my most down fall days. Then after that I encountered another bunch of problematic people. Pirates with some messed up historical backgrounds.

Another set of problems were laid in front of me. In short, I was deprived of sleep once again for a couple of days.

Not a single day to let me rest.
