Chapter 64


"So, can you track Andromeda with that thing?" I asked.

"I guess so. But we have to postpone that until later. First things first. We need to eliminate those fucktards first." Earl answered while Sebastian just stared at me and I can see him glancing at Cleona time to time.

"Fine." I said and sat on the floor.

I think about if it's okay for us to be this chill despite all this trouble around us.

As deeper as I have thought about our situation, this place seems to be the most safest place in the whole island.

I flinched when I heard a very loud static sound. It almost seems like a bomb is going to explode.

"The fuck?!" I turned to my back to see what was happening since the three of them are at my back.

I saw Earl, Sebastian, and Cleona in front of the Deus Ex Machina that was in a very different state.

I was left in awe.