Chapter 84


I fixed the frequency to reach Sol and Robin.

"Hey! What's up?" I heard Robin answered. His background is still chaotic.

"Where's Mark?" I asked him.

"Huh? Mark? Your left hand in the crew? Is it that errand boy?" He said.

"Yes! Is he there?!"

There was a long pause on the other side of the line.

He seems to be asking the others too if they have seen Mark.

"Hey, they said he's not here because he's sick. He's been bedridden for almost a week now according to your crewmates." He said which made me clench my jaw more.

"Fucking bastard..." I mumbled. "Alert everyone that Mark is the fucking mole in our crew."

"Huh?" Robin seems confused.

"He's been selling us to those fucking pirates who are attacking us right now!" I said and immediately put the line down.

I switched the frequency to reach Earl, Max, and Cleona.