The Plan

Rizu POV

I blink under my mask and feel warm. I sit up and see that I'm in a hammock with a blanket. "Where am I?" I ask out loud and get off. I look around and find another room where it's pretty empty, inside is a small bed with Drake in it.

I sigh out and leave the room. I walk down the corridor and make my way onto deck. Once on deck I see women, all of the marines are women who are busying themselves with stuff on deck and reporting to an elderly woman with a cape that says "justice".

Seeing the deck and where I am. 'Ah. I guess I was moved to this ship. Isn't that the higher up I saw yesterday?' I thought. It seemed that I stood there for a while and was in the way of a marine soldier. "Sorry." she said as she bumped me and scurried off.

I nodded my head and found the way off of the ship. I went down and looked around seeing that this ship moved closer to the ship I came on. I walked up the hill and away from the marine ships. Along the way there were marine soldiers walking up and down, all around the island. Some holding papers, some holding den den mushis and cameras.

The further I walked the less marines in the area. 'Good thing after I bandaged Rosi-san up, I took him farther in a house that was pretty far.' I thought as I looked around the area and pretended to be interested in my surroundings.


I looked behind me and saw that no one was there and entered the house. "Rosi-san." I say as I enter seeing that the main room was empty. "Rosi-san??" I say again and hear a bang. I look in that direction and see Rosi-san on the floor coming out from the back room.

I walk over to him and help him up. "Rosi-san, what are you doing?" I ask. He chuckles and sits down in the corner of the room. I see that he changed clothes and his bandages and he placed his bags and mask that I gave him off to the side. "I was in the back room looking around and I heard someone. So I thought I was going to hide since I couldn't really fight at the moment. But it was just you." he said with a smile.

I sighed and sat down in front of him. "Well Rosi-san. What have you decided to do?" I ask the man. He sighs out and looks at the bags and mask in the corner of the room. "Hmm..Well it would be best to get off of this island and look for Law. I don't know if he managed to get off this island or not." Rosinante says.

I nod my head in agreement. "Well, Law hasn't been found by the marines and I walked around the island for a bit and haven't seen him. It is possible that he has already left during the time when the marines and the pirates fought." I say and look at Rosi-san's face expression. He nods his head with a small smile. "Well either way, it's good that he was able to leave if he could. He's free now." he said.

"Free..." I mumble to myself. "Did you say something?" Rosi asks and I shake my head. "No nothing." I say and he nods his head and continues on. "I guess I'll get off the island and look around for Law and go from there." he sums up.

I nod my head. "Well then, you'll need a boat and we'll be leaving tonight. But the thought comes to mind." I say and he looks at me confused. "Since Doffy thinks your dead but Sengoku and the marines don't know that. Will you let Doffy inform them whenever or....." I drift off.

He sighs and looks down at his hands. "Sengoku is like a father to me. He raised me when I lost everything, but I.....I betrayed him by not following his orders and yet being selfish and giving Law the fruit." Rosinante says. I just look at him and let him continue. "But I don't really want to put him in the situation.... I think it'll be best if Doffy ends up telling them of my death. They'll figure it out soon enough if I don't message or come in contact with them." he finishes.

I nod my head. "Then I'll need you to come along with me later on. Since we'll be leaving tomorrow morning the latest, I can lower a boat to you. But if not, you'll need to sneak on board and get on the boat late at night when most of the men are sleeping." I say and he nods his head. I look at his outfit that I gave him which is the marine outfit.

"But if you get seen I think that you'll blend in....sort of." I say and look at his face. "You'll need to take off the make up and this cap. Pull it over your face then you can wear this mask. But put away your feather jacket as well." I say as I walk over to the pile of bags and pull out the cap and put it on top of his head with a jump.

I then grab my mask and put it on his face. I hand him over a bag of medical supplies that I left with a smaller bag to put his other stuff in. "And take these with you." I say. He takes them and looks at me. "Isn't this?"

I nod my head. "Medical supplies from the ship that I left here for you. You can keep them, I doubt the head on my ship will notice plus there's still some there. So it'll be fine and I won't get in trouble." I say and grab the blankets that were scattered on the floor.

I fold the blankets and put it in the smaller bag of his. "I have to leave. So it doesn't seem suspicious of why I was out so late and so I don't miss roll call. But can you meet me at the first house down the hill once the sun has set. The marines should not pay too much attention to you but the house has a back entrance where you can get through from the ally side. I carried you up here. So it's pretty far from the coast line where we are docked. Will you be okay?" I ask.

He looks at me with a slightly wide mouth and nods his head. "Mm'kay. Well I'll see you later on tonight Rosi-san." I say and wave at the taller man. He nods his head and watches me head to the door. "Thank you Rizu." he says with a smile. I wave my hand and leave.

I head back down the coast where the ships are docked to do some stuff on board.


"Ah, Drake I'll see you in a little bit. I have to do something." I say as I get up from my chair. He looks at me and nods his head. I walk towards the door to leave to meet up with Rosinante.

I walk out onto deck and see Tsuru busy with the women and looking out to the seas. A marine soldier comes to get her and she walks into a room on the other side of the deck where her study is. Once she went inside I made my way off the ship where marines and other men and women were reading the ship and coming towards the ship with prisoners.

I walked up the hill and made my way into the first house where the sun was starting to set. I entered the house and looked around. "Rosi-san?" I say out loud and see him sitting down in the back where there's no light.

He stands up and comes towards me. "Rizu, does this look alright?" he asks me and I look at his face seeing that he got rid of the makeup but doesn't have the mask on but it's hooked on the side of his pants. He's wearing the outfit with the hat on as well. I nodded seeing his fit. "Yes, it looks good." I say and he nods his head.

I sit down on the floor and looked out the small window. "So we are planning to leave in the morning. Tonight they are planning to look around the island one more time tonight and have Vice Admiral Tsuru go up to check things around deck on the ship I came on and the others that came as well. Then make sure that we have the pirates that we captured all on the ships." I inform him and he nods taking in the information.

I continue. "So tonight, on the smaller ship I will board it and lower a boat down to you. It will be hard for me to do anything on Tsuru's ship so we'll make due with the smaller boat. I had already set stuff up and make sure it's a boat that they won't notice till later. But I'll lower it when they change shifts where it gives about 15 minutes to get you down." I say.

Rosinante shuffles and sits down in front of me and thinks. "True, that will work. But will I be boarding the boat along with you and spend the night on the ship or will I stay here?" he asks. We both sit and think for a while. "I think it'll we safer for you to stay here. But just before midnight where they are about to change shifts, can you get to the boat?" I ask.

He thinks about it and nods his head. "Yeah, I think that will work." he says. I nod my head with him and sigh out. "Well I'll spend some more time here before I head back to the ship. By the way go to the smaller boat on the left when you go down to the shore. The bigger one on the right belongs to Tsuru, so be careful when you approach." I say and think of the space between them.

"I see....So I'll meet you on the smaller one then?" he asks and I nod my head. "Yes, I'll be at the smaller one." I say and lay down on the floor. "Rosi-san do you need to change your bandages? Do you have everything that you need so far?" I ask and tilt my head to the side to look at the man. He nods his head and gives me a smile. "I do. Thank you. I appreciate this." he says and I look back up at the ceiling and hum. "Well I hope you find Law soon and travel around or do whatever you wish. If you do go sailing the seas. I might run into you someday." I say with a small smile underneath my mask.

He chuckles and smiles. "Indeed. I do hope to see you too in the future." I nod my head. We sit in a nice silence as I relax on the floor and look out of the window seeing it snow again. I sigh out silently and sit up from my position. "I guess, I'll get going. I don't want to get into trouble." I say. Rosinante nods his head in agreement and I head to the back door. "Well I'll see you later." I say with a wave and he waves back.

I leave through the back door and walk through the ally way and come out. I head down the walk way down to the coast where the ships are docked at.


A couple hours later, almost midnight

I got up from my position on board the deck of the smaller ship leaving on spot. I had been left alone but a lady who seems like it was Tsuru's helper had told me to stay out of the way and watch over the boy who was with me for the remainder of the trip. So for the remainder of the time spent of the day and night, I had been with Drake. Whether it was small talk or just sitting there reading a book or talking about something interesting. I had gotten to know the older boy a bit more.

Though to me he seemed to be slightly weak and malnourished, I had spent my time giving him some medicine that he seemed to have gotten a cold. Or talking to him when either of us felt like it.

I walked over to the edge towards the island and leaned against the railing. A marine soldier that was on duty walked on the other side and payed no attention to me and went inside to switch. After watching him enter and close the door. I leaned over the edge of the boat and looked down. "Rosi-san????" I whispered out seeing if was there and saw a shadow scurrying towards my side of the ship.

As the shadow got closer, footsteps could not be heard and the shadow got bigger. The shadow made hand gestures and waved at me eccentrically. I nodded my head and peered down seeing a small portion of Rosinante. I chucked down the latter and had him climb up silently.

Once Rosinante was on board I saw that he had his hat and mask attached on his face. I nodded my head at him and grabbed his hand, leading his to the other side and back of the boat. "Rosi-san, get in." I say as I push him lightly towards the boat and he shuffles into it without any sound.

I see Rosi-san enlarge the circle around him and it surrounds the boat and me. "Rizu." he says and looks at me. I look back at him and take off a small bag that I had tied around me. I pass the bag to him and start untieing the ropes. "Rosi-san, your silent thingy needs to keep this boat quiet and if you can make sure that it doesn't make a sound when it drops. I'll try to lower you as low as I can before the drop. But make it silent." I say to knowing that I was probably silent as well.

He nods his head and started helping me with the ropes. "Rizu, I'm sorry." he says while putting down his bags in the boat and off of him. I look at him and stop. "Sorry, I might get you in trouble and troubling you so much for a stranger like me." he says sympathetically. I let a small sigh escape. "It's fine. If any thing it won't be much." I say and he looks back at me. "But what about-" I cut him off.

"Rosi-san, I helped you because I wanted to, plus I feel as a marine it was my duty and my justice to help you. I wanted to help you. So I'll be fine. Garp had taught me and told me many things a good marine should be like and do." I tell him and finish untieing my ropes and his slowly start to unravel and the boat starts to slip. Before it could fall down into the ocean, Rosinante pulled me into a hug and pat my head. "Thank you Rizu." he says and the boat finally falls down into the ocean.

The boat made a small splash but otherwise it was silent. I could hear the door closing from the other side of the ship and hear the footsteps of the marine. I looked out and saw Rosinante rowing his boat further away from me and out into the ocean quietly.

I smiled seeing his figure get smaller as he time of the night got later. 'Somehow this feels nice.....He survived and I helped him.....Is this what helping people and for justice feels like?' I ponder and clench my hands. 'I believe it is. Garp.....I think with your techniques and everything that you taught me along with stuff I already know is working out.' I think to myself and turn away from the ledge and walk over to my previous spot on the deck where I had kept my blankets.

'Rosi-san. I hope you find Law.'