Waste of time...

Finally, couldn't able to control her curiosity anymore, she blurted out smoothly, "Tell me the truth Ely. Are you really not feeling any kind of disappointment with the news?"

Elysia smiled at Mia, noticing the worried expression on her face and said, "Truthfully yes.. I'm really disappointed but not on Liam but me. I'm just blaming myself to waste my precious time on that jerk...

If I'd have used all those time on my beauty sleep, then it'd be more profitable to me. He was just a waste of time for me."

"Can you say it more clearly now?" Mia's patience was now slowly breaking and it was converting into frustration.

Elysia got up from the couch and stood near the big balcony of her apartment from where a good portion of the city was visible.

She stared at the beautiful city in the daylight and hugged angrily.

Gritting her teeth at the thought of Liam, she scowled, "That bastard Liam! An ungrateful jerk! I was the one who helped him to get film contracts from big banners. Now that he had already become famous by using me, he started backstabbing me..

That asshole! We both were never in love with each other which was clear between us from the start of our relationship. We were just dating like some emotionless couple..

But I already had warned him beforehand that if he started falling in love with someone else, he should inform me. Then we can mutually break up without any hard feelings. But he..."

Elysia paused for a while in mid sentence to take a fresh air of breath and continued, "But he decided to cheat on me by hiding about it and with whom? With a member of my own group!!

He thinks that I'm fool to not see through his true colours but he doesn't know that I'm way more evil and dangerous than he could even imagine in his life...

He was waiting to break up with me only till the time of him signing the contract with one of the biggest banner for which he was literally pestering me recently.

After that, he'd try to make a story with Kiara to ruin my reputation so that the media couldn't blame them for their dating news."

"So what are you gonna do now? Any plan?" Mia asked as she was too much furious with that boneless couple.

An evil smirk lifted the corner of her lips as she said in a devilish voice, "Of course! I do have some plans. He thought that just getting few good films and some fan followers is enough to be stable in this industry..

But which he didn't know was that if I could give him all this fame then I can also snatch it away from it . He'll now understand that he took a wrong decision of going against me. I'll make him regret for everyday of his life for treating me as a 'use and throw' pen.."

Mia too smiled evilly at her explanation of revenge and said, "Yes! It's the time to show them who's the real queen here."

And then both of them busted into a round of laughter, already imagining the future of Liam and Kiara..


Mystic World & Entertainment…

Meeting room…

Many men of different ages and body shapes were discussing few things between themselves, eagerly waiting for the CEO to arrive so that they could start the meeting.

Their wait did not last long as the door of the meeting room got opened by Brian few seconds later.

Wrapped in a perfect grey suit with black tie and white shirt, Ivan walked inside the large meeting room with a cold and bossy demeanor.

His funky look had been replaced by his serious expression which was enough to express them that he was in his businessman mode right now..

When he turned himself into the CEO of California's biggest business empire then no one could dare to talk with him in immodesty.

For this special reason of him showing all his seriousness in both department of his work, everyone respected him a lot and preferred him over any other CEO.

"So, shall we start the meeting now?" Ivan said, occupying his seat in the center.

"Sure sir. Today we're having this meeting on the new shopping mall project of ours. As you said, the interiors had been designed according to our initial plan and we were also able to set the elevator in time." One of the manager informed him.

"Hmm.. Good. What about the parking lot? As much I remember I told you to change the proportion of it in the last meeting. Has it been fixed?" Ivan asked in a grim tone.