Partiality is everywhere...

As they were busy with Emma and Adam, suddenly they heard a very familiar voice which was filled with sorrow and grimness...

"Seems like no one remembers me here. No one loves me anymore. They only love their son-in-law and granddaughter the most, completely forgetting the fact that they also have a daughter as sweet as me..

It sometimes feel like that I'm an outsider in this home. So much unfair in just a single home. Humph! Partiality is really flying in the air of the house!" Natasha huffed at them while folding her hands under her chest.

Mr. and Mrs. Moore along with Adam stared at her pouting face which was looking both cute and funny for exact three seconds and then they burst into laughter..

Whereas Emma started clapping her hands as she too joined the elders in laughter, not knowing exactly what was the reason for their laughter.

This was the speciality of the kids that even without having any idea about their surroundings, they just acted according to them.

Their soul was very much pure unlike the adults who had kept hidden lots of things in their hearts and minds...

Natasha glared at them and said, "Here I'm complaining to you guys that I'm not getting any attention and you're making fun of me. This is not fair at all.."

George gave Emma to his wife and walked towards his daughter before engulfing in a hug which had the special fatherly warmth in it.

"My princess is angry on me. But you don't have to worry because your dad will always love you the most." Mr. George Moore said caressing his daughter's hair lovingly.

Natasha immediately melted in her father's arms and hugged him back before saying, "I love you too Dad.."

"Woah!! I hadn't visit you guys for a month here and you guys already gave my share of love to others! Partiality is everywhere!"

Suddenly a male voice interrupted them from back and everyone turned to look behind, only to see the great Ivan Moore standing there with narrowed eyes.

"You two are really siblings. Your jealousy on getting the biggest portion of love from your parents...always prove that both of you are two childish brother and sister." Adam said laughing when he heard Ivan to use almost the same line like his wife.

Ivan glared at Adam whereas Natasha just stuck out her tongue in a teasing manner at him.

Ivan puffed his cheeks like a kid and entered inside bypassing the father and daughter duo.

He went towards his mother and kissed her cheek, still burning in jealousy.

But it soon turned into a wide grin when Emma called him with her sweet voice.

"Uncle… Huggy.." Emma demanded in a small baby voice.

Smiling contently, Ivan took Emma in his arms and hugged her softly in a cuddling way..

He then showered her small face with lots of kisses, making her giggle.

Emma too gave few kisses on Ivan's cheek which made him chuckle at her cuteness.

This sweet interaction between the niece and uncle bought a bright smile on everyone's faces.

Especially Natasha was beaming like a sunflower witnessing the love that the two most important persons of her life shared.

Natasha was a beautiful lady of 31 years. She was a happy to go person but could be evil at the same moment if someone tried to backstab her or broke her trust..

Although she was the mother of a three years old daughter, her figure was still something to drool for.

Her glamourous beauty was something which mesmerized everyone...

She had met Adam ten years ago when they had just started their career but never thought of being a couple.

They were just good friends of each other for the first few years. But when they had to work for a new advertisement company later, they started to grow feelings for each other..

Eventually their friendship turned into love and after dating for two years, they both tied the knot five years ago.

Their wedding was the talk of the town at that moment as the hearts of many male and female fans got broken when they got to know that their favourite idol and actress were getting hitched together.

Still they were happy for the couple as they believed that they complemented each other really well and they were a great couple together.

With the fans' support and love, they got married and around two years later, they became the proud parents of little Emma Watson who was also a pretty angel.

By each passing year, the love between Adam and Natasha only increased and their lives turned out to be more beautiful with their cute daughter Emma..

"If you're done adoring Emma, then will you please show some love to her mother too who is also your beautiful and gorgeous elder sister?" Natasha asked but didn't forget to praise herself in between.