Give him my attendance personally...

'Because the moment I'll cut those wings, your while life will turn out to be a joke along with your boyfriend.'

Caitlin, Riva, Abigail and Mia was able to decipher the cold war between the two ladies but didn't interrupt them.

They were just enjoying the show silently as they knew that if there is a war then the winner would always be Elysia..

Because she was not someone easy to bent down whereas Kiara had brain but not the capacity of using it properly.

"Okay, guys. Enough of this staring battle. Let's move on to our dance practice." Caitlin who was the peacemaker of the group said.

Both Elysia and Kiara came out of their own imaginary world and started practicing with their other members..


Ivan's cabin…

Ivan just took a shower in his private room which was attached to his cabin.

The room was not a simple one but more like an apartment. It had a king size bed in the middle with a huge wardrobe.

There was also a big kitchen where the refrigerator, microwave and many other cooking essentials were present..

A lavish bathroom was also being built there which had a big tub with auto-generated shower and taps.

Ivan had made this room for his personal use, minding his great taste of colour and interior.

Whenever he had lots of work to complete, he'd prefer to spend the night here rather than going back home.

However, the room specially the washroom was often used by him whenever he came back from his practice session, covering in sweat.

Especially, if he would have any meeting or any office work pending for him after practice, then he would take a quick shower to relax himself and would wear one of his pricy suits which were kept in the wardrobe along with his other necessities..

Ivan wore his watch and looked at his reflection in the mirror. When he was finally satisfied with his look, he sprayed some perfume on his body.

Giving a last look on the mirror, he was about to leave the room when his eyes fell on the black wooden door which was an odd one out in the whole space.

The only place where no one was allowed to enter. He sighed staring at the door and stepped out from his personal bedroom..

As soon as he walked into his cabin, he noticed Brian to be pacing impatiently with his phone in his hand.

Ivan furrowed his eyebrows and asked confusedly, "Why are you pacing like this? And why is there a big frown on your face?"

Brian finally noticed the presence of his Boss and sighed a breath of relief.

"Finally, you are out Sir. And here I'm dying out of tension." Brian said.

Taking his seat, Ivan leaned back on his swivel chair and asked, "May I know what is the exact reason of your nervousness then?"

Brian nodded his head vigorously and sat in front of him.

Inhaling a sharp breath which he was holding till now, he nervously gave his phone to Ivan with shaky hands.

"Look at the news sir." Brian said with a worried expression.

Ivan was completely confused with his assistant's unusual act and took the phone from his hand.

Being perplexed, he glanced at the screen and what he saw, made his eyes widened in rage and his blood started to boil in anger.

"What kind of rubbish is this?" Ivan roared in anger as he threw the phone on the desk with full force.

Brian visibly gulped in fear and muttered, "Sir.. I really don't know. But this post is now trending on top for now."

Ivan ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation and ordered, "Bring Elysia here right now."

Nodding his head, Brian immediately escaped the lion's den and went to call Elysia who had all the answers of his Boss' questions...


Practice room…

The members of 'Spicy Sugars' were now dancing on their last song when someone barged inside the room suddenly.

Stopping their dance in midway, the girls looked at Brian in a scrutinizing way.

"What happened?" Riva asked when he saw Brian almost panting heavily.

Instead of replying, Brian just stated in a straight line, "Ivan Sir is calling for you Elysia. He wants you in his cabin now."

Elysia arched her eyebrows and asked, "May I know the reason to give him my attendance personally?"

Brian just shook his head and replied, "You'll get your answer from Sir itself. So, don't waste anymore time and come with me."

Elysia sighed and went out with him. However, she didn't forget to notice the tiny smirk and glint of happiness in Kiara's eyes which was enough to give her an idea about the circumstances...


Few minutes later...

Ivan heard a knock on the door. As he knew who was the person behind it already, so he just gave the permission.

"Come in." Ivan said.

Elysia entered his cabin with a confused expression and gazed at Ivan with her narrowed eyes.

"Why did you call me so urgently? I was practicing for tomorrow's event." Elysia asked.

Ivan shot her a daring look with his bloodshot eyes and turned the computer screen towards her.

"Will you tell me what is the meaning of this?"