Abusive Elysia...

Instead of this, he stooped so low that Liam had cheated on his daughter whom he had pampered from the day she was born.

This was completely unforgivable!

But Aaron didn't want to take any action against Liam right now in a haste of a moment..

He wanted to hear his daughter first because he already had an idea about the reason behind Elysia's calmness over the matter.

Like Aaron himself, his daughter Elysia too was not an easy target to get crashed by these small idiots.

For now he was just waiting to hear his daughter out completely which included mostly about her next plans.

Mrs. Davies thought for a while about her daughter's words and asked, "So Ely.. Are you going to leave those two easily after whatever they had done to you?"

Ely smirked at this and replied with a slightly evil laugh, "Mom… Do you really think I'm a person to easily get played with? My amazing parents have taught me better than this."

Saying this, Elysia elaborated her plans to her parents which made both of them a little shocked.

Laura became somewhere relaxed that her daughter could be able to come out of this mess.

However, Aaron was swelling with utter pride over his daughter's intelligence.

"Wow! That's a great plan indeed, princess. But if you need any kind of help in executing this, then don't think twice to ask me for help...

Your father will always be beside you no matter what." Mr. Aaron Davies said to his daughter.

"Yes Ely.. I know that you're capable enough to handle this but still as a mother, I'll ask you to be aware of your every single step and do stay safe." Mrs. Laura Davies also cautioned her.

Elysia smiled and replied, "I definitely will Mom and Dad. You guys always have been a great support to me...

So this time also, if I think of needing any kind of help, then it'll be both of you whom I'll inform the first."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Davies smiled at their daughter proudly and a sudden urge to see Elysia erupted in their hearts which they suppressed for the time being...


Next day…

Elysia woke up from her sleep really late as she was busy in her preparations last night to ruin those two clowns.

She just had her late brunch and lazing on the couch of her living room being completely bored...

There was no good shows playing on the television except the constant news of Elysia being abusive towards Liam.

Rolling her eyes at the false and extremely foolish news telecast, Elysia opted to watch her all time favourite cartoon Shinchan.

It was enough to make the grumpy Elysia change her mood as she started laughing like a maniac...

But her happiness was short-lived when she heard her cell phone ringing loudly.

The sound of the ringing phone made her so much irritated that without looking at the caller ID she just cut the call and continued to watch her show.

However, the caller had no urge to stop calling as her phone started to ring again...

Getting frustrated, Elysia scrunched her face in anger and asked really rudely, "Who the hell are you?

Can't you see that I'm not picking up the phone which indicates that I'm busy. Now that if you have already disturbed me then tell me now why have you called?"

The person from the other side was momentarily stunned with the sudden outburst of Elysia whose voice had a touch of spiciness.

"Did the news of yours abusive nature hit you really hard that you suddenly turned yourself into a wild cat?" Came a male voice from the other side of the phone.

The very familiar voice of the person, made Elysia narrow her eyes as she looked at the name of the caller.

Her eyes grew bigger in the size of a saucer when she noticed that the person on the call was someone who really consumed a big part of her life...


The part of her biggest nemesis!!

"Did you really miss me so much that you have to call me the first in the morning when we had already met each other just last evening?

Or am I really that much special to you, Mr. Ivan Moore?"