Never raised voice...

"Who knows if I like the new script of yours, I might ask Ivan to help you to become a famous script writer." Adam who was silent till now, suddenly spoke up.

His voice laced with anger while his eyes was showing the rage which was building inside of him.

Liam shook his head from left to right as if he couldn't believe what was happening around him.

His well planned trap got smashed by Elysia in just a flick of a second..

How could his days of mind wrecking plans become a flop like this?

"No.. no.. It can't be possible. Kiara.. babe.. tell me that we didn't get disclosed so easily just now!" Liam asked Kiara frantically while shaking her vigorously by her shoulders.

Kiara didn't say anything but just continued with her sobbing...

Getting no response from her, Liam aggressively removed his hands from her shoulders and started rubbing his face exasperatedly.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! We're completely ruined now. Our career is destroyed too." Liam muttered loud enough to be heard by Kiara.

These words bought Kiara back to the real world as she stared at Liam with her widened eyes.

Then only it stuck into her mind that whatever Liam said was completely true!

Now that Elysia had revealed all of their secrets with proofs, her career was supposed to deteriorate to another level.

She was not even sure if there would be anything as of a career for her now anymore!

This single thought made her lost her last bit of calmness as her eyes turned bloodshot with both anger and lack of exhalation because of her continuous crying..

Wiping her tears off her face, she barged towards Elysia who was standing there folding her hands under her chest.

Stopping in front of Elysia, Kiara pointed her index finger at her and started blaming, "It's all because of you that I'm forced to do this..

God! My career is also at stake right now. Years of my hard work is going down water just because of you."

Elysia scoffed at her and said, "It's not me Kiara…it's you who brought this upon yourself. You ruined your own career and fame because of your own jealousy..

You can't blame me now for your own deeds. You wanted to tarnish my reputation but instead dug your own grave."

Getting triggered by Elysia's poking words, Kiara blew up in extreme anger and she raised her hand to slap Elysia on her left cheek.

But before her hand could even touch Elysia, she was pushed behind by a sudden force.

When Kiara turned her face to look at the person who had blocked her, her furious eyes turned into a surprise one.

It was none other Caitlin herself who shoved Kiara away with her full force which not only shocked her but others too.

Caitlin was known to be the calmest one among all of them who would not express her anger so openly..

So it was totally unpredictable for everyone present in the party to see the different side of Caitlin for the first time.

"Every single time you have created disturbance in our group before, I've ignored all of them as I thought that you will change one day..

You always tried to insult Elysia with nonsensical words, still I never raised my voice on you to maintain the peace in our group...

But this time, you excessed it to another level. And after all of these, instead of apologizing to Ely, you were going to slap her!

How dare you to even try to raise your hands on her? I'll not forgive you this time because you've crossed all your limits now." Caitlin shouted at Kiara with eyes full of hatred for her.

Kiara wanted to retort back but Caitlin's warning eyes made her shiver in fear as she kept mum for the time being.

Satisfied with Kiara's behavior, Caitlin turned towards Ivan and said, "Sir, as you know I'm the leader of our group 'Spicy Sugars', so I've the right to speak on behalf of my group members...

So as the leader, I want justice for our lead singer who had been falsely accused. It's an earnest request from me if it'd be possible to terminate Kiara from our group."